Eight Billion Genies was a comic with such a premise and a strong story backing it up that when the creative team announces a new series, it’s going to get some people interested. Writer Charles Soule and artist Ryan Browne are bringing their talents to a brand new limited series that trades in genies for demons. Lucky Devils introduces two “average joes” who are running into some life-shattering problems that might have a supernatural origin. In its premiere issue, the new Image Comics offering is one that has big shoes to fill but it might just create a story that does exactly that.
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Lucky Devils begins its nine-issue run by introducing readers to Cam and Starr, a Philosophy 101 professor and a nurse residing in Chicago. While Cam appears to be dealing with a number of inconveniences that are ruining his love life and financial status, Starr is dealing with a lack of opportunities to move up in her career. Things appear to change for both of these down-on-their-luck characters when they are introduced to Collar and Rake, their own personal demons. The underworld duo has been responsible for much of the misfortune that have befallen their human targets throughout their lives but the demons have a unique proposition for the teacher and nurse. As is the case with Eight Billion Genies, not everything is at it seems and some characters are holding their cards close to their chests.

Both Starr and Cam are interesting enough characters here to lead the story, as the parallel lives of both have enough differences to make them both appealing to follow despite their similarities in the demon department. On the flip side, Collar and Rake, who happen to be romantically intertwined, are hilarious and colorful foils to their downtrodden counterparts. This premiere issue is one that has plenty of ground to cover with just as much exposition, but luckily, the demonic couple work well in conveying the information in an entertaining manner.
Of course, what would a good story be without a better twist and boy does Lucky Devils have a good one. It’s not hard to determine that Collar and Rake aren’t exactly being straight forward with Cam and Starr, but their lies are such that not many readers will utlimately be able to see through them until they’re shown in the issue’s final pages. The series is one that takes a U-turn in its final pages, demanding that the reader stay on board its train for the foreseeable future and said approach is definitely a strong one.
As mentioned earlier, exposition can be a tough, but sometimes necessary, storytelling element but luckily, Browne is the perfect foil for Soule’s script here. Ryan makes complete use of all the space given to him on each page, with Rake and Collar routinely blending into the panels themselves and intertwining their “explanations” with one another in different locations. The real testament to Browne’s skill is when we are finally given the opportunity to see what the demons’ underworld abode looks like.
Browne creates a hellish environment that is quite like our own for Collar and Rake, albeit with some truly demonic twists on the streets. It’s an ugly, congested locale that also feels lived in while not diving off the deep end in its absurdity. The artist also does an exceptional job of capturing the feelings of these ugly monstrosities in our hellish lovers, showing how they care for one another in the quiet moments before the hammer falls on their masterplan reveal.
Lucky Devils is a comic that hits the ground floor running, presenting a fiendishly clever premise via four main appealing characters. The new Image Comic has a big act to follow after Eight Billion Genies and this opening salvo does just that. Collar and Rake might just be the top demons of 2025 and I look forward to seeing what Soul and Browne have in store for the rest of the series.
Published by: Image Comics
On: January 8th, 2025
Written By: Charles Soule
Art by: Ryan Browne
Colors by: Ryan Browne & Kevin Knipstein
Letters by: Christopher Crank