
Exclusive Clip: Levar Burton Talks Reading Rainbow On William Shatner’s Brown Bag Wine Tasting

In a new episode of William Shatner’s Brown Bag Wine Tasting, actor and educator Levar Burton […]
William Shatner Levar Burton

In a new episode of William Shatner’s Brown Bag Wine Tasting, actor and educator Levar Burton stops by to sip some mystery wine with Shatner, and in between gulps, the two talk about kids, Levar’s family and Reading Rainbow’s return

Burton also talks to Shatner about his tough childhood, his parent’s marriage, and the rocky relationship he has with his father.

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In an exclusive clip provided to by Ora TV, Shatner asks Burton how the Reading Rainbow passion came about. Burton responds by revealing to Shatner what he says to parents.

“Parents ask me all the time, ‘How do I get my kid to read?’ And I ask them two questions. Number one, have you discovered what your child is passionate about? It’s our passions that drive these appetites. And Number two, how often has you child see you reading?”

Watch the full episode of Levar Burton’s chat with William Shatner on Ora TV.