
Exclusive: World War Z Author Max Brooks Talks The Extinction Parade

Based on a freely-distributed short story by best-selling author Max Brooks, The Extinction Parade […]

Based on a freely-distributed short story by best-selling author Max Brooks, The Extinction Parade probably never seemed a likely candidate to make anybody a lot of money.Yet, that’s exactly what Brooks, artist Raulo Caceres and Avatar Press are doing, as they turn the story of a war between vampires and zombies into a 11-issue limited comic book series beginning in June, just before Brooks’s novel World War Z heads to cinemas as the most expensive zombie movie ever made, with Brad Pitt and The Killing‘s Mireille Enos in the lead roles.”When I was a kid, I accidentally stumbled across an Italian zombie movie on cable,” Brooks said. “It scared the crap out of me. The idea of a mindless, relentless, endlessly multiplying threat was unlike anything I’d ever seen. All previous monster movies were, at least to me, punishment movies. All their victims had made bad decisions; they had gone swimming after dark; they’d moved into a haunted house; they’d answered a signal from an alien planet… they had been consciously or unconsciously looking for trouble. And they found it. Not so with zombies. They came after people who were just minding their own business. They came after everyone.”And in a world where a few vampires had been essentially lounging around, feeding off humanity for their whole long lives, the notion of a populace that’s both dying off and trying to find new ways to defend themselves against the undead is a very real threat. This isn’t your typical “X versus Y” story where everything is whiz-bang, the concept is 99% of the story and it’s all really about how it affects humanity. In Brooks’s tale, the vampires themselves are facing extinction, even if they themselves aren’t being victimized.

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