You know, it’s refreshing to read a comic that feels like it could have been written specifically for you.What I mean by that is that this book has a number of things going for it that make it a series that really appeals me. First, it’s a revival of an older property that, while I never really got into previously, I have been aware of for my entire life and have had at least a passing interest in. Second, it’s got a creative team (Jeff Parker of Batman ’66 writing and Evan “Doc” Shaner of the “Only Child” issue(s) of The Adventures of Superman on art duties) that I love. And third, it employs a design aesthetic that is charmingly retro.I’m the kind of guy who appreciates good, honest fun and has an affection for the pop culture and design choices of ages past. This book has all of that in spades. It’s a largely well-written series with beautiful artwork bolstered by excellent color work from Jordie Bellaire of Pretty Deadly and a slew of other titles. This issue even starts to address the major problem that I had with the first issue. Having said that, let’s jump into the breakdownโฆ SPOILERS!!!
Flash Gordon #2 Review: A Bit More Miraculous
You know, it’s refreshing to read a comic that feels like it could have been written […]