A new featurette for Godzilla has been released online. The featurette has the crew discussing Godzilla’s roar in the film. They say they really wanted to go back and capture the classic roar from the original Godzilla.”There’s nothing like that original Godzilla roar,” says sound designer Erik Aadahl. “It’s probably the most iconic sound effect from film historyโฆWe wanted to really pay homage to the original and use that as our starting point.”The video also has Aadahl, director Gareth Edwards, and star Bryan Cranston doing their best imitation of the roar.In Godzilla, the world’s most famous monster is pitted against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity’s scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence.Godzilla comes to theaters May 16.
Godzilla Featurette Examines Godzilla Roar
A new featurette for Godzilla has been released online. The featurette has the crew discussing […]