
Thanos Vs. Hulk Coming From Marvel and Jim Starlin

Famed Marvel cosmic creator Jim Starlin will write and draw a four-issue Thanos vs. Hulk […]
Thanos vs. Hulk

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Annihilus will play a key role in the series, too, according to, who spoke with Starlin about the announcement.

Starlin’s Bar, a locale that Starlin himself didn’t create, plays a role in the story, as a starting point for The Hulk’s story and a spot where Iron Man, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents and others can be spotted hanging out. The writer/artist concedes that “ego” led him to include that locale as a convenient gathering point for some of the earthbound characters in the book.

The story will play into events introduced in his recent Thanos: The Infinity Revelation and the Thanos Annual stories but according to Starlin, fans won’t have to have read those in order for the tale to make sense.

“A reader only has to know who the Hulk and Thanos are—which is just about anyone who knows the name Marvel these days,” Starlin joked.