
The Flash: Easter Eggs and DC Comics References In Revenge of the Rogues

Well, that was quite an episode of The Flash. Now, on to the Easter egg hunt.Like every other […]
The Flash

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Like every other week, we’ve put together a list of the little winks, nods and DC Comics references that were on the episode today. It’s rarely complete, and we usually get a bunch of answers from our audience, but here are what we spotted. 

Comment below if you’ve found any we didn’t!


The piece of art they have here? The fire/ice dichotomy is everywhere in the DC Unvierse. Even ignoring the binary way they talk about The Flash and the Reverse Flash, this episode has Captain Cold & Heat Wave, as well as Ronnie and Caitlin who were described that way (and have DC Comics-related reasons for that to be clever).

Also in the DC Universe, there are an actual duo named Fire and Ice. This was almost certainly calling back to the many ways the concept was applicable to The Flash, but not mentioning them would be silly.

The Rathaways

Kevin said … (original post)

You missed a big one: The Rathaways, the owns of the Fire and Ice Painting? They are the parents of Hartley Rathaway, aka Pied Piper.

The Turtle

monitor-earthprime said … (original post)

I love the “McSnurtle the Turtle” a nod to The Terrific Whatzit Merton McSnurtle.

While Fastback is unaware of it, his uncle McSnurtle was the Weird War II-era hero, the Terrific Whatzit. The Terrific Whatzit had super speed, super strength, and could fly. He earned his name from the fact that he removed his shell when in costume, so no one could tell what he was—which made it extremely easy to keep his identity secret. The Terrific Whatzit is retired now, but his nephew carries on the fight against crime. – See more at: Flash Those Who Ride The Lightning


Well, it’s Space Ghost, not Jay Garrick, but just like in the comic book source material, Barry was a comic reader growing up.

And apparently Iris is like everyone a comic reader knows: “Hey, those are going to be worth big money some day!”


Like O.M.A.C., A.T.O.M. and S.H.I.E.L.D., somebody really wanted that to spell “firestorm.”

We won’t get into exactly what Firestorm is, since we’ve dealt with that in this column in the past, but we will talk about…

Firestorm v3 21
Professor Stein

The writers of the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. report? They’re both familiar names to DC Comics fans…and at various points, the two consciousnesses that form the superhero Firestorm have been Ronnie and Professor Stein, Jason and Professor Stein, or Ronnie and Jason.

The puns, the puns, the puns…

Just like the traditional idea of a supervillain, the hot and cold puns were ALL OVER THE PLACE tonight. It was glorious.

Zoom 0006

That’s an awful lot of hinting that Harrison Wells could be a Zolomon-style Reverse Flash.

Crossing the streams (yes, we know they said it)

Hey, even when you make it too obvious to be a real Easter egg, if you drop a Ghostbusters reference on my watch, it’s gonna get a shout-out.

Scarlet Speedster

It appears this is the first time Barry gets one of his major nicknames from the comics.

Public identity

This is still a very secret identity, but in DC Comics, Wally West was one of the only major superheroes with a totally public identity for a long time. Going seriously public before Oliver and the rest, maybe this is a tip of the hat to that.

Snart’s sister

Lisa Snart, who shows up to rescue Cold and Heat Wave at the end, is The Golden Glider in the comics, a supervillain who in the comics assembled one iteration of the Rogues: Weather Wizard, Heat Wave, Turbine, The Trickster and Mirror Master.