Fox has released the couch gag from the upcoming episode of The Simpsons, “Diggs.”The couch gag was done by French, Oscar-nominated director Sylvain Chomet, best known for The Triplets of Belleville. While the gag starts off in the Matt Groening style we all know so well, the lights go out and we’re greeted to Chomet’s drastically different take on the characters.Despite how radically different the style is, Chomet still manages to put each of the characters’ personalities on display, from Homer’s obliviousness to Lisa’s compassion for animals.In The Simpsons episode, “Diggs,” Bart is rescued from bullies by Diggs (Radcliffe), a new Springfield Elementary student. Diggs is a big fan of falconry and wants to take his love to a new height.The Simpsonsย airs Sunday nights on Fox.
The Simpsons Couch Gag From Sylvain Chomet Released
Fox has released the couch gag from the upcoming episode of The Simpsons, “Diggs.”The couch […]