Dark Horse Comics Reveals New Anti-Harassment Policies After Scott Allie Firing

In the summer of 2020 Dark Horse Comics found themselves under fire when new allegations of [...]

In the summer of 2020 Dark Horse Comics found themselves under fire when new allegations of harassment and assault from longtime Dark Horse editor Scott Allie became public. Following this news, the publisher released an in-depth statement, apologizing and addressing questions about the corporate culture at Dark Horse. They also promised fans not to work with Allie again with publisher Mike Richardson noted changes he was making to the company at the time. Now, Dark Horse has announced new policies they've put in place at the company having worked with outside HR Consultant, McGeachy Consulting, writing in a tweet "Dark Horse leadership has been reflecting, discussing and implementing new and updated policies to ensure the safety, happiness, and well-being of all employees." Their new policies include:

  • An updated Code of Conduct policy that we are asking all employees, creators, and business partners to uphold.
  • A more in-depth anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policy, which includes a clear reporting policy, for employees across all departments and divisions
  • A newly formed Employee Relations Committee that manages, guides, and directs any significant employee relations issues that arise at Dark Horse
  • A newly formed HR Executive Committee focused on implementing HR strategy, planning, and policy
  • Identification and introduction of new company values assembled into a Culture Document helping to define and inspire our workplace culture.

Their statement continues, "Beginning this year, an annual series of harassment and discrimination prevention training sessions will be implemented for all our employees. Dark Horse will continue taking the necessary steps forward to prevent harassment and discrimination within the workplace. We can and will do better."

"We are optimistic about the future as we continue to improve and update our company policies. It continues to be our goal to be a company in which every single person feels valued and where every person feels safe from harassment or discrimination of any kind. While there is more work to be done in the many months ahead, we remain deeply committed to positive change in the workplace."

Specifics about their new Code of Conduct policy were not revealed but we'll continue to follow this story as they release information on it.

"I truly have the people in this company in my heart," Richardson previosuly wrote. "I am deeply committed to changing the culture at Dark Horse so that all our employees can feel safe and proud of our company. I will hold myself to a much higher standard. I ask all of you to hold me to that promise."