
Is This Really the X-Men’s Best Hope to Save San Francisco?

When Xavier’s latest goal endangers San Francisco, an X-Man no one would expect decides to step up and save the day.

Quentin Quire and Xavier battling psionically

The X-Men haven’t had an easy time of things since the end of the Krakoa Era, and Charles Xavier just made it harder for them. The latest X-epic, “X-Manhunt”, revolves around Xavier escaping from Graymalkin Prison when his Shi’Ar daughter Empress Xandra is attacked. Since then, he’s been on a quest with a mysterious prize. Xavier has already run through Rogue’s team of X-Men, and went to Storm for help, which led him to San Francisco and into a conflict with Cyclops’s team of X-Men in X-Men #13, by Jed MacKay and Netho Diaz. With Storm channeling the power of Eternity, the X-Men have their work cut out for them. However, the most dangerous foe they’re facing is their former mentor.

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Xavier has developed a tumor on the part of his brain that gives him his telepathic powers, which has made him rather hard to predict and more dangerous than ever. He’s not in control of his powers, and that’s a problem for the city of San Francisco, as his powers start to affect the people of the city. Xavier is able to get the drop on Beast, but there’s one X-Man who might be able to stop him. However, it’s the most unlikely X-Man of them all — the rebellious yet powerful Quentin Quire.

Quentin Quire Has a History of Making the X-Men’s Lives Much Harder

Quentin Quire getting ready to psychic fight Xavier

Quentin Quire’s history with the X-Men is a familiar story with the team, but that doesn’t change just how wild it got. Quentin was one of the most powerful psionic talents on Earh, and needed training. Quentin was sent to the Xavier School and almost immediately found out that he was adopted, which shattered his worldview. Life at the mutant school wasn’t what he thought it would be, as the more popular students began to mock him. This drove him to hate the entire institution, including their pro-human views. Quentin’s anger at the world became externalized and he turned it on the X-Men and his fellow students. Quentin began wearing “Magneto Was Right” t-shirts, and agitating against the school’s faculty. After using his powers to reveal the true form of one of his biggest bullies, he got a group of like-minded students on his side and decided to start a riot on the school’s first parent day/media visit.

Quire’s attack was pretty effective at first, forcing the X-Men to react to his actions, but the Stepford Cuckoos, five identical clones of Emma Frost, were able to curtail his attack. However, it cost the life of the Cuckoo he had a crush on, Sophie. Quire’s body began to transform as he became a being of pure psionic energy, and for years he was thought dead, for lack of a better term. Quire was given physical form again by the Phoenix Force and went with the X-Men to San Francisco. He went back to his old shenanigans — trying to control mutants and attacking the UN — and was taken by Wolverine to his new school after Wolverine and Cyclops had a falling out. Quire was always the mouthy rebel, but soon became a well-trained member of the team. On Krakoa, he worked with X-Force and came to terms with the rebellion of his past after multiple deaths and resurrections, and has finally joined Cyclops’s team of X-Men.

Quentin Quire is the Only X-Man on Earth with the Power to Battle Xavier

Quentin Quire and Xavier using their powers in battle

“X-Manhunt” is all about Xavier’s sins being visited on his allies, and X-Men #13 sees the entire city of San Francisco suffer because of him. The X-Men spring into action, but if there’s one member that no one would ever expect to save the day, it’s Quentin Quire. Quire’s long been one of the team’s testier members and his love for humanity is non-existent. Quentin is the kind of person to let people suffer a little. The idea of him jumping into action to save an entire city of humans is definitely something that no one expected.

Of course, Quire on his own was never going to be enough to defeat the most powerful and experienced telepath of them all. As powerful as Quire is, he just doesn’t have the training to vie with Xavier. However, the fact that he still tried shows just how much Quentin Quire has changed over the years. Instead of being the rebellious and oftentimes self-centered mutant bad boy, he risked his all to battle against an enemy that could easily defeat him, which is a huge change for the young man and was a huge help for not just his team but the innocent people of San Francisco as well.

X-Men #13 is on sale where ever comics are sold.