Fan have been clamoring for more of Matt Ryan as John Constantine, and they’re getting their wish…sort of. Ryan will reprise his role from NBC’s short-lived Constantine television series, providing the voice of John Constantine in DC Animation’s next direct-to-home media feature film, Justice League Dark. It may not be the return to live-action television that fans were hoping for, but those same fans will likely be more than willing to take more Ryan as Constantine in whatever form they can get it.
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The casting was revealed in the Justice League Dark Sneak Peek bonus feature included with the release of Batman: The Killing Joke.
“I really wanted to jump into this project to play Constantine in a different context, around some of the iconic characters that are in the DC ‘dark’ world,” Ryan says in the video.
Constantine only lasted one season on NBC, though Ryan did get to guest star as Constantine in the episode “Haunted” from the fourth season of Arrow on The CW after Constantine was canceled.
As of July 1, 2016, the entire 13-episode run of Constantine is available to stream on the CW Seed website. The move has caused some speculation about the possibility of Constantine returning as a CW Seed animated series, similar to Vixen, which exists as part of the shared Arrow/The Flash/Legends of Tomorrow universe. Ryan doing a voice performance as Constantine for Justice League Dark is sure to only fan those flames.
Justice League Dark comes to DVD, Blu-ray, and Digital HD in Fall 2016.