The Crisis on Infinite Earths, an event in DC Comics which saw a variety of strange meteorological phenomenon sweep the multiverse, could come to The Flash in the same month as a real-world total solar eclipse in 2024.
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The folks over at Fan Fest picked up on the coincidence while watching our own interview with The Flash star Grant Gustin from Comic Con. During the conversation, he intimated that Crisis is still a story the show might get to — if it lasts ten seasons and reaches the cutoff date provided in the show’s premiere.
“We don’t really talk about on a yearly basis but it was mentioned early on and that’s a goal. Obviously we’d have to go I think ten years to reach that,” Gustin told “So there’s a possibility for sure. It’ll be fun to get there.”
The date in question — April 2024 — would actually line up with the next total solar eclipse. Prior to the eclipse that came earlier in the week, there had not been a phenomenon like it for nearly forty years. The next one, though, is less than a decade away and would place it within weeks of when the skies turn red in The CW‘s DC Universe.
Fan Fest notes that it would be April 8, not April 25, when the solar eclipse happens — but Crisis was a story that took place over more than just a day, so plausibly, producers could make a tie between the events if they were so inclined.
In the pilot for The Flash, where the Crisis was first telegraphed, there is a photo of The Flash on the cover of a newspaper, which seems to feature him with strange backlighting. It is not clear whether this was intended to be a strange meteorological phenomenon tied to the Crisis or something else, but those who want to do so could easily take it as a sign of an eclipse.
Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) lived a normal life as a perpetually tardy C.S.I. in the Central City Police Department. Barry’s life changed forever when the S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator exploded, creating a dark-matter lightning storm that struck Barry, bestowing him with super-speed and making him the fastest man alive — The Flash. But when Barry used his extraordinary abilities to travel back in time and save his mother’s life, he inadvertently created an alternate timeline known as Flashpoint; a phenomenon that gave birth to the villainous speed god known as Savitar, and changed the lives of Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) and Wally West (Keiyan Lonsdale) forever. With the help of his adoptive father, Joe West (Jesse L. Martin), his lifelong best friend and love interest Iris West (Candice Patton), and his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs — Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes), C.S.I Julian Albert (TomFelton), and an Earth-19 novelist named H.R. Wells (Tom Cavanaugh) — Barry continues to protect the people of Central City from the meta-humans that threaten it.