Kevin Smith Knows Who Villain Is In New Suicide Squad, Describes As "Phenomenal"

After the first Suicide Squad movie released in theaters to critical and audience condemnation, it [...]

After the first Suicide Squad movie released in theaters to critical and audience condemnation, it seemed impossible to make fans excited for any potential plans for a sequel. And then Guardians of the Galaxy filmmaker James Gunn came on board and changed everything. With Idris Elba joining familiar faces like Viola Davis and Margot Robbie, Gunn has re-energized DC Comics fans who are excited to see his take on the government hit squad.

We still don't know much about the movie, but now Kevin Smith is teasing fans with a key piece of information; he knows who the villain is, and he thinks it will blow fans away. Speaking on his Fatman Beyond podcast, Smith hinted at what fans can expect for The Suicide Squad.

"Does anybody know who the villain is for [The Suicide Squad]?" Smith asked the audience, but no one had an answer. "Alright, I do, and I just can't say it then. Because I thought everybody knew and I was about to say... I might have heard that privately.

"I'm not gonna spill it, but if it is what I heard, it is f—king phenomenal," Smith added. "And boy is it in the right hands with James Gunn."

Smith went on to remember that David Dastmalchian, the actor cast as Polka Dot Man in The Suicide Squad, was likely the person who told him and warned him not to tell anyone. So Smith is keeping that secret until an official announcement is made or the word leaks out.

Smith is known for being easily excitable, but he's also a die-hard nerd with a fondness for the source material. If he's excited about the latest villain to appear in the DC Comics cinematic universe, it's a safe bet that it's probably going to get a lot of people riled up.

Gunn has been tight lipped about his new project, though he did reference his favorite run of the comics that might indicate what fans can expect from his take on the franchise.

"I have been an enormous fan of [Suicide Squad] in all its [DC Comics] incarnations - but to me there will always be something special about the [John Ostrander] run," Gunn wrote on Twitter. "Black ops military tales with disposable, often forgotten super villains?! Pure perfection."

We'll see if the villain lives up to Kevin Smith's hype as we get closer to the release of The Suicide Squad, currently scheduled to premiere in theaters on August 6, 2021.