Father of Aurora Shooting Victim Doesn't Agree With Joker Movie Criticism

Ahead of the movie's premiere next week, Warner Bros. Pictures and DC Comics are already [...]

Ahead of the movie's premiere next week, Warner Bros. Pictures and DC Comics are already experiencing some criticisms for Joker and how it could be misconstrued by people as a glorification of violence. A group of survivors from the Aurora shooting issued a letter to Warner Bros. announcing their concerns over the film's release, prompting the studio to issue a statement denouncing gun violence. But a family member of one of the victims also spoke to TMZ and said they wouldn't have supported the sentiments of the letter sent to Warner Bros.

Mike Senecal, the father of Aurora shooting victim Katherine Senecal, explained to TMZ that she would disagree with the portrayal of violence being a contributing factor to gun violence, but that there were other more important factors to consider.

"He says Katie would have been able to separate the movie from real life, and Mike believes those who can't are part of the problem. He adds that violent people exist regardless of whether "Joker" comes out, and people who have issues with the film don't have to see it," the report from TMZ states. "Mike says he plans to see the movie and thinks his daughter would have too. Sadly, Katie died last year by suicide. He says she struggled with mental health issues before the shooting, and she recognized the biggest epidemic in this country is a lack of mental health care ... not movies."

Warner Bros. brass has been vocal in supporting that the movie is a fictional account and should not be taken as a support on gun violence. But the letter from Aurora survivors stresses that it could be seen as a source of inspiration for someone in the future.

"[The Aurora shooting was] perpetrated by a socially isolated individual who felt 'wronged' by society [and acted]," the letter states. "As a result, we have committed ourselves to ensuring that no other family ever has to go through the absolute hell we have experienced and the pain we continue to live with. Trust us, it does not go away."

They add, "End political contributions to candidates who take money from the NRA and vote against gun reform," the letter reads, "and use your political clout and leverage in Congress to actively lobby for gun reform. Keeping everyone safe should be a top corporate priority for Warner Brothers."

Joker will be released in theaters next Friday on October 4th.