Arrow Producer Denies That [SPOILER]'s Death Is a Fake

Warning: Spoilers ahead for tonight's episode of Arrow, titled 'Eleven-Fifty-Nine.'In case you [...]


Warning: Spoilers ahead for tonight's episode of Arrow, titled "Eleven-Fifty-Nine."

In case you were hoping that tonight's game-changing death on Arrow was an elaborate hoax to throw Damien Darhk off the character's trail, we've got bad news for you.

During a screening of tonight's episode earlier this week in Los Angeles, Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim said that since they'd already faked Roy Harper's death to write Colton Haynes off the show, that wasn't going to fly a second time.

"No, no. We've done that. We've done a fake death before," Guggenheim told reporters. "And that's the thing, it's like we're always you know trying to figure out, what's the way to do this? You know that fake out when she was okay and then she wasn't, was again our attempt, you know? How do we do a death that we haven't done before?"

He noted that it's a problem common to long-running shows, and that both The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones have the same problem from time to time.

Arrow heads into a brief hiatus after tonight's shocker, and will be back with a new episode in a few weeks. The series airs Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

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