Arrow Season 4 Finale Has A Little Hook For Season 5

Tonight, Stephen Amell's Oliver Queen will square off with Neal McDonough's Damien Darhk in the [...]


Tonight, Stephen Amell's Oliver Queen will square off with Neal McDonough's Damien Darhk in the season four finale of Arrow -- but what's next?

After a season fueled by magic that broke Arrow out of its street-level mold, where will Team Arrow be headed in Season Five, as the last of the "flashback years" peters out?

Don't expect too much of a preview tonight.

"There's nothing we really do in the finale that introduces a big bad for next year," series star Stephen Amell told EW. "We do throw a little hook in there that will very much excite people for season 5, but it does not have to do with the big bad."

That's much the same kind of language he used when speaking to's own Lucas Siegel earlier this week.

"We see Oliver connecting with Star City in a way that he has never connected as Oliver Queen. We had an extreme in Season 1, and another extreme in Seasons 2, 3, and 4, and this was a choice that Oliver made," Amell said. He'll have another extreme moment - but the way he handles it is considerably different from his previous season-ending encounters. "But ultimately, life is not black and white, there are shades of grey, and we had him make a decision tonight, in the finale, and we had him make it in an incredibly deliberate, analytical way – not a hot-headed way, not a vengeful way, just quite simply, he does something that has to be done. I was very happy with how the finale came out."

The Arrow season finale airs tonight at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.