'Arrow' Star David Ramsey Compares Diggle to Riker From 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'

John Diggle stepping into the role of the Green Arrow on Arrow is much like when William Riker has [...]

(Photo: Warner Bros. TV/The CW)

John Diggle stepping into the role of the Green Arrow on Arrow is much like when William Riker has to stand in for Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation, according to Arrow star David Ramsey.

Like all "legacy heroes" who start out as partners, sidekicks, or supporting characters, taking on the role of Green Arrow will change the way the audience perceives Diggle, Ramsey says, and that was part of the reason he was excited to step into the hood.

"Only someone who really appreciates what happens with these lore of what the characters really are will understand that," Ramsey told ComicBook.com. "This absolutely elevates John Diggle, but you have to be careful about those types of things. When you have Number One take over the Enterprise for six episodes, what does that do to him? You're automatically thinking he's capable now, and that's not saying he wasn't capable before, but you've seen him now in the field, you've seen him give the command, you've seen him lose people, you've seen him be tried, but you've gone on a journey with him where he can now be captain, so the next time Star Trek: The Next Generation comes out, you will know will Riker can be captain, and he can do it. It forces him to a place of leadership that you mentally knew he could do, but now you've seen it so you won't have any problems seeing it next time. I don't think that's on accident in this case."

Ramsey has been telling reporters this week that there will be long-term ramifications to Team Arrow as a result of Diggle's taking over of the mantle -- both in terms of their relationships with Diggle and in terms of some of the poor decisions he has made in order to keep the team together and running in top form since he donned the hood.

Arrow airs at 9 p.m. ET/PT Wednesday nights after new episodes of Supernatural on The CW.