Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Divorce May Be Stopped

Divorce may not always be a quick process, but for Justice League star Ben Affleck and estranged [...]

Divorce may not always be a quick process, but for Justice League star Ben Affleck and estranged wife Jennifer Garner even court officials are ready for things to be final.

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Affleck and Garner were advised by the Los Angeles Superior Court that if the final judgement in their case isn't filed and entered soon, the court may dismiss the whole thing. The documents were reportedly very direct about the issue, specifically noting that "if you fail to take the appropriate steps in your case, the court may dismiss your case for delay in prosecution."

Affleck and Garner originally filed to end their decade-long marriage in 2016. For the past two years, the stars have been working out the details of their final divorce settlement while co-parenting their three children with Affleck even living in the family's guesthouse for a time before moving out in 2017. Since then, the pair have continued to jointly spend time as a family with Affleck having moved on to a new relationship with television producer Lindsay Shookus.

It's not clear what the timeline the court has for potentially dismissing the divorce case, but what might be becoming a little clearer is Affleck's professional plans. While rumors as to whether the actor will be continuing with his role as Batman in Matt Reeves' upcoming The Batman continue, Reeves recently addressed those rumors. Speaking at the Television Critics Association's summer press tour recently Reeves noted that he's still speaking with Affleck about The Batman, though he didn't reveal exactly in what capacity.

"There are ways in which all of this connects to DC, the DC universe as well," Reeves said. "We're one piece of many pieces so I don't want to comment on that except to say that I'm focused very specifically on this aspect of the DC world."

According to a report in Production Weekly, that capacity might be as producer on the project. That report listed Affleck in the role and also listed the film as starting production in spring 2019. The film has no release date at this time.

What do you think about Affleck and Garner's lengthy divorce process? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.