Benjamin Percy To Write 'Nightwing' For DC

After leaving Green Arrow in April, fan-favorite writer Benjamin Percy will take over the reins on [...]

After leaving Green Arrow in April, fan-favorite writer Benjamin Percy will take over the reins on DC's Nightwing in May.

After making his DC debut with Detective Comics, Percy jumped into Green Arrow during the DC You era, and was one of a very small number of creators to segue a run during that short-lived publishing initiative into big success with DC's Rebirth initiative. Hehas spent the last two years "happily inhabiting the disturbed mind of Damian Wayne for Teen Titans," per a release from the publisher.

"The best way to approach Nightwing is as a high-octane, adrenaline-fueled mystery and adventure," said Benjamin Percy in a statement. "I'm going to crank up the volume on that world, dose it full of steroids and poison, and dream up a digital nightmare that will ultimately impact the entire DCU."

The writer had previously teased a trip to Gotham when he announced he was leaving Green Arrow.

Joining Percy in May will be artist Christopher Mooneyham.

"He's got a tight line, cinematic vision, and can ground one moment in emotional realism and elevate the next to eye-popping levels of super-heroic awesomeness," said Percy.

Percy's Nightwing, beginning with issue #44 on May 2, launches with a big, bold, game-changing storyline, "The Bleeding Edge," that will lay the groundwork for a threat to the larger DC Universe. As with Booster Gold's stint as a Time Master, Percy said that "it is ironically Nightwing's off-the-radar status that makes him the ideal detective for the case."

(Photo: DC Entertainment)

"Consider how Gotham and Blüdhaven are shadow-soaked, crime-ridden environments," Percy added. "One of the things I love about Nightwing is his irrepressible optimism. This joy—a love of the game, a showman's theatricality—is tonally essential to my approach. I see it as a necessary counterweight to material that might otherwise feel oppressively grim. In this way, Grayson really captures the hopeful maxim that has defined the Rebirth era."

In this arc, "change is on the horizon when a new technologist sets his sights on Blüdhaven, creating a holographic, interconnected city where everyone is an individual and part of a larger network. It's the internet made physical. Gentrification on gigabyte-laced steroids. But when this new utopia encroaches on his turf, Nightwing starts to uncover a sinister plot based not on revenge…but on a reckoning."

Nightwing #44 arrives in stores May 2nd.

Above you can see a first look at Declan Shalvey's cover for the issue, which will also ship with variant covers by Yasmine Putri.