'Black Lightning' Recap With Spoilers: "Black Jesus Blues"

'Black Jesus Blues' starts with Tobias playing chess with Khalil. He's upset with Khalil's botched [...]

(Photo: The CW)

"Black Jesus Blues" starts with Tobias playing chess with Khalil. He's upset with Khalil's botched security efforts which allowed Fowdy to kill Syonide. Tobias ends up punching Khalil.

At the ASA, the people in the pods begin to wake up and instantly start displaying powers. The first person the breaks out can seemingly breathe lightning through his mouth while the second has telekinetic abilities. The first guy ends up killing himself and a staffer while the lady escapes.

Gambi identifies the woman as Wendy Hernandez and reveals that she has the ability to control the wind.

Lynn's superior reveals to her that they've captured Issa Williams, the kid the revived himself during last week's episode.

Anissa's going out for drinks and begins to hit it off with a singer at the bar. After he set, Anissa introduces herself and the two begin to talk.

Jefferson walks into his office to find out he's been replaced as principal by a man by the name of Mike Lowry. Jefferson finds out that Lowry is white and is instantly unsure whether or not resigning is the right choice.

Gambi calls Jefferson and Anissa over to tell them more information about Hernandez. Both of Hernandez' parents were killed by the time she was placed in the pod and although she has no family, Gambi was able to narrow her location down to four possible locations.

Jennifer's getting ready for bed when there's a knock at her second-story window: it's Khalil. Jennifer's upset about his actions at the school, but Khalil explains his situation with Tobias. Jennifer almost powers up but Khalil leaves before she's able to do anything.

Tobias goes to visit Marcellus and the two talk about killing Alvin Pierce. Tobias snaps his brother's neck.

Jennifer and Anissa are cooking dinner with Jefferson when Lynn walks in with Issa. The family begins eating dinner when each of the family members suddenly begin taking shots at each other. Issa reveals that ever since he came back alive, people around him can't help but to tell the truth.

Later that night, Jennifer takes Issa to the roof where the two talk about harnessing their own powers.

Tobias meets up with a corrupt detective, who's leaking information to the Black Lightning archenemy. After Detective Summers hands over an envelope full of evidence, Tobias kills him.

Jefferson calls a meeting with the teachers of Garfield High and informs them that once the school reopens, he won't be their principal.

At the ASA, Lynn's putting Issa through testing, which confirms that Issa is a carrier of the meta gene. Lynn reveals that Issa has an advanced case of the gene, which is taking over the other cells in his body. Because of that, Lynn tells Issa that eventually he'll die from it. She informs him of the stasis pods, but he's unsure if that's a move he'd want to make.

Gambi's able to track down Hernandez and Jefferson suits up to try stopping her from wrecking havoc. Jefferson's eventually able to stop Hernandez and tries to convince her to go with him to find help.

Issa decides not to put himself in a pod and instead goes to reconnect with his family and take whatever treatment options he has. Lynn returns to the ASA, where it's revealed that they plan on testing Issa in an actual environment.

Jefferson returns to Gambi's shop where he's instantly confronted by Anissa, who's upset her father went out without her. Jefferson reveals Hernandez returned to the ASA to be placed back in her pod.

Students have gathered in the auditorium at Garfield High and Jefferson informs them all of his resignation. He does reveal, however, that he'll still be at Garfield as a teacher. When he's leaving the stage, a student stands up and leads the entire auditorium through Jefferson's "Where's The Future" chant.