Cody Rhodes Debuts New Arrow Image

Arrow is attempting to get back to basics in season 5, putting Oliver Queen’s Green Arrow back on […]

Arrow is attempting to get back to basics in season 5, putting Oliver Queen’s Green Arrow back on the street, taking a brutal stance against street-level crminals like newcomer Tobias Church (Chad L. Coleman).We know that season 5 will involve Oilver gaining new allies (Wild Dog, Mr. Terrific, Artemis), as well as new foes (the mysterious Prometheus) – and one of those foes will be played by WWE star, Cody Rhodes.

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Rhodes had show star Stephen Amell invade his workplace, back when Amell went on WWE and threw down in the ring with Rhodes, this past summer, and Amell returned the favor by inviting the wrestler onto the show. Ever since that announcement, Rhodes has been none too shy about teasing fans with his Arrow debut – with the lastest being the following tweet:

Derek Sampson is his character’s listed name now, (not Garret Runnels as was originally listed), but it seems as though his role in the show will remain the same: a drug dealer who gives Green Arrow’s new team a run for their money.

Arrow airs Wednesday nights @ 8/7c on The CW. You can catch Cody Rhodes in S5E3, “A Matter of Trust” on October 19th.