Crisis on Infinite Earths: LaMonica Garrett Teases The Monitor’s “Humorous” Meeting With Another Character

Since The Monitor’s first appearances in the Arrowverse ahead of last season’s ‘Elseworlds’ […]

Since The Monitor’s first appearances in the Arrowverse ahead of last season’s “Elseworlds” crossover it’s been pretty clear that he is a serious character. Given the god-like being’s powers as well as his role attempting to prepare for the coming “Crisis on Infinite Earths”, the idea that Mar Novu might not be particularly humorous isn’t much of a surprise. However, while The Monitor himself isn’t funny, the reaction of at least one of the Arrowverse’s characters upon meeting the cosmic being will be.

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Speaking with CBR, Garrett talked a bit about his favorite Arrowverse moments, noting that the moment where The Monitor meets with Lyla Michaels (Audrey Marie Anderson) on Arrow was a favorite, but also teased that there’s an upcoming moment when another character meets The Monitor for the first time that offers a reaction that is less serious than what we’ve seen thus far.

“There’s moments coming up with other characters that it’s going to be — well, no, I don’t want to say that. There’s a spoiler, but it’s something coming that’s a funny interaction that starts out funny with one of the characters and then it takes another serious turn because that’s what the Monitor does,” Garrett said. “The reaction of one of the characters when they meet him for the first time, it’s going to be humorous.”

It’s not clear who that character could be. While The Monitor has largely appeared on Arrow, he’ll come into contact with characters on The Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow — and there are many characters who have not yet had a chance to encounter The Monitor. Whoever the character is, the moment of humor will be a welcome one, given how serious everything has been as the Arrowverse works its way towards Crisis.

That said, it’s worth noting that while The Monitor does seem to come with seriousness and gravity befitting the situation that faces the Multiverse a humorous meeting won’t be the first bit of fun the Arrowverse has had with the cosmic being. During the Season 4 finale of Legends of Tomorrow, The Monitor showed up to watch the team fight Neron. From his spot in the audience in an amusement park show, The Monitor looked on at first disapprovingly at what shenanigans the Legends were up to and, then, was spotted taking in the moment with what appeared to be a snack of popcorn — balanced on top of the Book of Destiny, of course. Hey, even cosmic beings can be entertained.

Who do you think will have the humorous encounter with The Monitor? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

“Crisis on Infinite Earths” kicks off on Sunday, December 8 on Supergirl, runs through a Monday episode of Batwoman and that Tuesday’s episode of The Flash. That will be the midseason cliffhanger, as the shows go on hiatus for the holidays and return on January 14 to finish out the event with the midseason premiere of Arrow and a “special episode” of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, which launches as a midseason series this year and so will not have an episode on the air before the Crisis.