The Question is a DC Comics hero who has gained a dedicated cult-following in the 21st century, thanks to some well-done reboots on the comic book page, as well as a featured spot in the influential 2000s Justice League and Justice League Unlimited animated series. Since the DC brand has blown up on TV and movie screens in the 2010s, fans have been wondering when The Question will get a proper live-action adaptation. Well, apparently those plans are already in the works.
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Arrowverse producer Marc Guggenheim was attending ACE Comic Con recently, when he was questioned by Discussing Film about whether we would see Vic Sage / The Question in the Arrowverse any time soon. According to Guggenheim:
“I always bring him up. I always feel like that character would be a great fit with the tone of Arrow. Again: it’s not our characters, it’s DC’s characters, and they’ve got other plans for The Question.”
When pressed to elaborate on what those plans could be, Guggenheim had to admit that he doesn’t know any specific projects where the character is planned to be introduced – he’s just following the logic of the situation: “I don’t know what their plans are, but clearly they do have plans – otherwise we’d be using him.”
There’s any number of ways that DC Entertainment could be planning to use The Question, which Guggenheim wouldn’t be privy to. Shows like Gotham or the upcoming Titans are both shows The Question would fit into – as is any upcoming DC movie project, such as The Batman or Cyborg.
What’s important to note is that DC understands fan desire to see this character onscreen – whether it’s Vic Sage or his protรฉgรฉ, GCPD detective Renee Montoya. DC recently pulled a similar move that stripped the Arrowverse of a popular character: since Deathstroke’s DC movie run has now begun, the Arrowverse version of Slade Wilson has been put on hiatus.
The Arrowverse shows (Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Legends) all return from winter break in January. Titans is set to make its debut in 2018 on DC’s upcoming streaming service.