Erin Richards Says Barbara and Tabitha Are Baddest Bitches in Town in Gotham Season 3

“The baddest bitches in town!”That’s how Erin Richards described Barbara Kean and Tabitha [...]

"The baddest bitches in town!"

That's how Erin Richards described Barbara Kean and Tabitha Galivan on Gotham season three to at San Diego Comic-COn, where the pair will be running a new night club for the underground element in the city called "Sirens." "That's actually the tagline for the whole show. 'Baddest Bitches in Town' in like big bold writing, then 'Heroes Will Fall' underneath," she joked.

Her character has run a gamut of emotions in the short two seasons, with twisted relationships, murder, torture, and plenty of ups and downs.

"I feel like they should make a rollercoaster based on Barbara's emotional state. 'Now she's feeling great! Oh wait, she's spiraling into depression!'" Richards said. "Drop spiral, then up and up and up, then calm for just a second, than DOWN drop," she accurately described, laughing. The actress is looking forward to a little stability for Barbara this season, though.

"What I really like about this season, is I think she's going to be purely in her element this year. I think that whole rollercoaster ride has led to this point. She feels like 'I've been through that and now I own my right to be in Gotham, have my club, and just be killing it a little bit right now,' you know? Literally, killing it," she teased.

When talking in the past, Richards has discussed how every aspect of Barbara that we've seen so far is true to the character, making this season a bit of a unification of her different sides.

"Lovely, thank you, I'll use that later," she joked after being asked about that "unification." "This is a unification of all of her sides! She obviously had the moment with the Ogre where she was kind of reborn, then when she came out of the coma she remembered some of what happened with Ogre, but she didn't physically remember doing it – it's almost like he was puppeteering her a bit," Richards explained. "So then she went to Jim, to be like, 'I need to be saved,' and he shut her down. So now she's just like, 'okay, I'm kind of angry and have this intensity and darkness in me but still want Jim.' I think she's like, 'I know who I am right now,' and she's just going to be in this world and 'see what it has to give me back.'"

Check out the full video interview above for more color on how Babs and Tabs will get along in Gotham season 3, and tune to FOX in September to see how it plays out.