Gideon Will Appear “In The Flesh” In an Upcoming ‘Legends of Tomorrow’

During a visit to the set of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow this week, Amy Pemberton — best known to […]

During a visit to the set of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow this week, Amy Pemberton — best known to fans as the voice of the Waverider’s onboard computer Gideon — revealed to reporters that her character would be appearing in the fiesh for the second time.

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In the episode, she says, most of the cast is “kind of frozen,” and Gideon finds herself interacting primarily with Zari, a character with whom she has kind of a rocky relationship.

“So this whole thing is very much about Zari and her learning her place within the team, and Gideon has manifested herself to help her figure out where she fits in with the team,” Pemberton explained.

Her “beef” with Zari is the latest example of something that has been going on more for Pemberton: getting a chance to develop relationships with members of the show’s expansive cast of characters. Pemberton says that besides Zari, Gideon does not particularly like Mick Rory — something she says is too bad because she gets along well with actor Dominic Purcell.

On the other side of the equation, Gideon usually really likes and respects the ship’s captain — both Rip Hunter, and now Sara Lance, who she says earned Gideon’s respect along the way.

As for Rip? Pemberton says it is not just fans’ imagination that it seems there is some chemistry between the pair.

“We’ve always played that love story from the start; she’s always been in love with [Rip],” Pemberton admitted. “That’s why he on-camera episode was so fun, when they had the kiss from everything. To have to step back from that, she adores him. I know there’s a lot going on with how he acted last time, but she’s in love with him, I think. She always will be.”

As for Sara, Pemberton says she would be open to such a romance, but does not expect it in part because “Her and Ava [Sharpe], I don’t know what’s going on there at the moment.”

Sharpe is an agent with the Time Bureau, whose no-nonsense attitude has put her at odds with Sara and whose recent sparring match with the White Canary left some fans feeling like they needed a cigarette.

While she will not physically appear in the upcoming “Crisis on Earth-X” crossover story, Pemberton revealed that the voice of Gideon will interact with some of the non-Legends heroes, most memorably Oliver Queen.

“There’s a few moments with him that are really nice and really fun,” she said, but added, “I don’t think he likes Gideon.”

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow airs on Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. ET/PT following new episodes of The Flash.