Grant Gustin And Melissa Benoist On The Possibility Of A Supergirl And The Flash Musical Episode

Not too long ago, it seemed like every show was implementing a musical-themed episode. Even though [...]

Supergirl Flash
(Photo: CW)

Not too long ago, it seemed like every show was implementing a musical-themed episode. Even though the practice has dissipated a bit, there are still those who would love to see some of their favorite superhero shows get a crack at one.

Conan is currently holding court at San Diego Comic-Con, and during a chat with Supergirl's Melissa Benoist and The Flash's Grant Gustin, he asked if the topic had ever been brought up.

"You and Grant were on Glee together and obviously, you have musical training. Has there been any pressure say to, okay we wanna see an episode where superheroes actually sing? Has there been any pressure to make that happen?"

Benoist confirmed that at no point has that ever been brought up, saying "No, no one's asked us that ever. I've never been asked that question."

Conan pressed further, asking if it were even in the realm of possibility. He then offered up a suggestion, perhaps the classic musical Oklahoma, since that is definitely what the audience would want to see. Gustin offered up Brigadoon, and after a few laughs, the idea didn't seem to hold.

"I could ruin your franchises so quickly" Conan concluded. You can view the video here.