Green Arrow: Rebirth #1 Goes To Second Printing After Possible Historic Sales

Green Arrow Rebirth #1 is heading to a second printing, having sold out of a near nearly [...]

(Photo: DC Comics)

Green Arrow Rebirth #1 is heading to a second printing, having sold out of a near nearly 100,000-copy print run, has confirmed.

Series writer Ben Percy said on social media, when asked about the issue's availability, that he believed the publisher had sold more than 90,000 copies. While DC couldn't confirm those numbers specifically, if true, that would make the issue the best-selling issue of Green Arrow in recent memory.

As a point of comparison, 2011's Green Arrow #1, which sold out at the start of The New 52, is estimated to have sold around 56,000 copies.

There will be no change to the cover art for the reprint, but the blue Rebirth banner across the top will be changed to red for the second printing. While DC did not say as much outright, it seems likely that they will employ a similar strategy across the board for Rebirth sellouts and reprints.

"When I took over Green Arrow with issue #41, one of the things I wanted to do was place Canary in the series eventually," Percy told us when we spoke with him recently about bringing the lead character's pre-Flashpoint wife into the book. "I'm so glad this Rebirth opportunity came up, because I wasn't allowed to put her in there right away, but I'd hoped that this moment would come. So I was cycling Oliver through all of these different relationships so that when Black Canary came into the fray again, the relationship would matter. That the reader could understand this is what he's been pining for."

"That this person fills a cavity in his life," he added. "I can't say too much except that they are at odds with each other in the beginning and then will eventually overcome their differences in a team-up that will hopefully be as adventurous as it is romantically alluring."

There is no specific date for the reprint to hit the stands yet, although the first week of July seems like a likely candidate.