Jai Courtney Talks Suicide Squad Criticism, Marvel vs DC

When Suicide Squad was torn apart by fans and critics after its release, many of the actors in the [...]

When Suicide Squad was torn apart by fans and critics after its release, many of the actors in the film spoke out in support of David Ayer and the final product.

In an interview with MTV's Josh Horowitz, Jai Courtney sat down to talk about the criticism of Suicide Squad, as well as how current DC films compare to what Marvel has been bringing to the table. While bringing his usual brand of humor, Jai had some great input on the situation.

Cap Boomerang

When first asked about why the film received backlash, Courtney declared that he wasn't sure why that would've been. He first pointed to the quality of the acting, and how his cast mates definitely did a bang-up job.

He followed his praise of the cast by stating something that many have been afraid to say when it comes to adapting comic books into film - "You're asking for it."

When tapping into a story that is as widely loved as a DC property, you will always let someone down. Jai mentioned how many people came out to see the film, and he reminded us that you can't please that many people at one time.

"How do you please everyone? And I don't think Suicide Squad ever intended to.... So no one's setting out to upset the fan base, certainly not a fan base that can be as loyal as this kind of crowd can. But I don't know how you can push the envelope or try and protect something [without taking risks].....I know what I like in a movie, and it's not the same thing as my twelve-year-old niece....It's a challenge, and David [Ayer] did an incredible job, and I sure as hell hope we get to make another one with him."

The Christopher Nolan Batman films, and the current MCU, have been praised for the quality of their films. Instead of adding to the Marvel vs DC debate, Jai calmly acknowledged that each of the studios has made fantastic films in their own right. He said that he would love to be a part of the Marvel universe if it was more his style.

"DC's still the bad guy too, you know. Marvel has this incredible formula that seems to work. I think some elements of those movies, not that I see a lot of them, but I think some are done really, really well, and they're very entertaining. They've had the time to sort of let that s*** marinate to the point where everything's established now. We don't have to figure out who anyone is. It's like cool, get them all together and lets have a f***ing orgy and make a billion dollars, and that's great. I think it's awesome. Listen, if I was playing Thor for the ninth time, you know, I'd be stoked as well. As I'm sure Chris [Hemsworth] is."

Jai also opened up about a possible role in The Flash movie. When asked about the possibility of his character, Captain Boomerang, showing up in the film, Courtney replied that he "Liked that rumor."

Justice League Trailer Flash Costume Speed Effect
(Photo: DC Entertainment)

Captain Boomerang has been a staple villain for The Flash comics, and Barry Allen even made a cameo in Suicide Squad - appearing to arrest the Australian baddie after a jewel heist.

Suicide Squad was extremely successful, despite the negative reviews from critics, as it has earned over $700 million in the global box office. The film has also passed the Marvel hit, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, in overall box office revenue.

You can check out the Jai Courtney interview in its entirety here, or head over to the DC homepage of ComicBook.com for the latest DC news!