James Gunn Is Working on The Suicide Squad Edit From Home

People all over the world are remaining indoors with the hopes of avoiding COVID-19, so many [...]

People all over the world are remaining indoors with the hopes of avoiding COVID-19, so many productions have been halted and movies have been delayed. While some jobs cannot be done at home, there are many people who are still able to continue working. According to James Gunn's latest tweet, that includes him. With so many productions shutting down, it's lucky that Gunn managed to finish filming The Suicide Squad just in time. Recently, a fan took to Twitter to ask the director, "How are you passing the time these days? Stay safe." Here's what Gunn had to say:

"Working on The Suicide Squad edit (from home), writing, meditating, exercising, talking with my gf, talking with others on my phone, playing with my cat & dog, making a Spotify playlist for you guys, @criterionchannl, & doing what I can to help others while locked up in my house," Gunn wrote. You can check out the tweet below:

Gunn has been posting lots since folks started to self-isolate over the threat of the novel coronavirus. The director has done everything from recommending movies to watch during the quarantine to reminding people to be compassionate during these difficult times. He has also suggested replacing handshakes with the Ravager salute and is one of the many who is encouraging people to practice social distancing.

The spread of the COVID-19 has caused wide-scale disruption across the entertainment industry. Many television shows have halted production. Tons of theatrical releases have been pushed back. Disney parks have shut down. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson both tested positive for COVID-19. Idris Elba also revealed he tested positive for the virus. Warner Bros. canceled the premiere of Superman: Red Son. The Game Developers Conference canceled its 2020 event after a series of company pullouts. London Book Fair was canceled. This year's SXSW was also canceled.

Despite what the title for Gunn's new movie might imply, The Suicide Squad producer Peter Safran has made it a point to let fans know Gunn's take on the team is not a direct sequel to David Ayer's movie. "It's called The Suicide Squad," Safran said. "It's not Suicide Squad 2. It is not a sequel. I will leave that alone but, yes, it's called The Suicide Squad."

The Suicide Squad is expected to hit theaters on August 6, 2021.