'Justice League' Cast Reveals Which DC Villains They Want to Fight

WARNING: This article contains major Justice League spoilers! Continue reading at your own [...]

WARNING: This article contains major Justice League spoilers! Continue reading at your own risk...

While the Justice League defeated Steppenwolf in their first theatrical outing as a team, the DC film did tease some other major villains that have it out for the league and could appear in future movies. Darkseid's name was dropped by Steppenwolf at one point, hinting that he could be an adversary for the League in a potential sequel. The post credits scene for Justice League also revealed that Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) and Deathstroke (Joe Manganiello) are working together, teasing the possible introduction of the League of Doom to the DCEU.

With numerous villains on the horizon, Syfy Wire asked a few of the JL members their thoughts on who they'd like to get tangled up with in future movies. Ray Fisher, Jason Momoa and Ezra Miller, who play Cyborg, Aquaman and The Flash, respectively, already had a few villains in mind.

"I think Brainiac would be pretty dope to fight," Fisher said. :I know he's not in the Legion of Doom, specifically, but I count him among the biggest baddies of all time. Seeing what full-tech could do against half-tech/half-human. Black Manta would be an interesting fight, but I think Cyborg could take him. And Lex Luthor, obviously. His intellect is beyond, and I'd love to see what he'd cook up … I don't know if there's plans to put him in the suit, but as a fan of the animated series, I would love to see how that would be."

As for Momoa, he wants Aquaman to handle many of DC's more physical characters.

"I want to fight them all! Black Manta, I love fighting him. I want to fight Deathstroke … or Lobo!" Momoa continued, "That's the thing I love about my character: Even with Steppenwolf, he just jumps straight in. He will fall right on the stakes, he will get his ass kicked. He is a brawler. That's the way we want him; just take his shirt off in a bar and start banging. Until he gets that trident down, and becomes one with that trident eventually as a king, he is all fire. He is just piss and vinegar, and can fall straight on his face. That's what's great about him. He just soars, and then bang. He's a pitbull."

The Flash has a large gallery of rogues to choose from, so Ezra Miller had a hard time deciding who he wanted to see his character take on next.

"I'm excited about a lot of the Rogues, obviously," Miller said. "The longer we can keep this history running, the more Rogues we can explore. I love the exploration of super speeds fighting, so obviously Zoom is coming in. Will Andy Serkis keep playing primates, and simians, and potentially play Gorilla Grodd? That would be rad. Can we get Savitar in the mix? This is what I'm talking about. Or Captain Cold."

Can we just get all of these villains on the big screen in the neat future?