During a set visit to Suicide Squad‘s filming locations outside of Toronto last summer, Comicbook.com and select other press got to take an in-depth look at much of the Midway City that had been built. After seeing a few of the cell blocks at Belle Reve prison, a mystical cave, the third act climactic location of the train station, and a peek at the John Ostrander Federal Building, we went outside to walk the streets of Midway City and see a scene being shot first-hand.
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The city is a fairly typical sprawling metropolis (Toronto stands in for the city in some scenes that were shot on-location), with high-rises that make for massive outside corridors. A crashed helicopter down the road is surrounded by the now-infamous black goo, which we also saw on the costumes of the Eyes of the Adversary, the enemy foot soldiers of the film, in the train station, and elsewhere. The street ends at Paddy McTipsy’s bar, which we see in the trailers becomes a staging ground of sorts.
SPOILER ALERT! From here on, we have a detailed description with dialogue of a scene toward the end of Act 1!
In the scene, taking place around the end of the first Act of the film, the Squad has been sent out on their mission. They have not, however, been told what it is exactly they’re going up against. Standing out in the rain, Deadshot (Will Smith) stops and starts to argue with Flag (Joel Kinnaman).
“You know exactly what we’re walking into, don’t you?” Deadshot asks. “I tell you what you need to know. That’s how things work. You know I own a ford pickup truck with a blown engine? Not everything is relevant,” Flag responds.
In a moment of levity, Harley walks up to the two of them and peeks between them. “Hi, guys. Lover’s spat?” She says with a smile. Deadshot dismisses her, and turns back to Flag, saying, “Tell everybody everything. They need to know.” It seems Deadshot found a dossier in the crash that gave him a better idea of what it is they’re walking into.
“Three days ago, a non-human entity appeared in a subway station. First, they sent the cops. It killed them. Then they sent the Army. It killed them, too,” Flag explains. “Then they sent me and a woman with… incredible abilities. A witch – as in brooms and black cats. Nobody could get near this thing, but the witch could, so the plan was to hand her an anti-demolition charge; she drops it at his feet, and we fly economy back to DC. Needless to say, the whole thing was a bad idea. Now you know.”
With that, Boomerang (Jai Courtney) confirms it: the Squad is going after Enchantress – and whatever the Adversary is.
“There’s no one the smallest bit concerned about going to war with a witch and a giant magic monster, all ’cause some old duck is dead?” He asks. They head into the bar out of the rain to grab a drink and figure out what their next step is.
What happens next? Find out in Suicide Squad August 5, 2016.