Last week’s “The House of L” revealed the various ways Lex Luthor schemed and manipulated over the previous two years to be in a position where he finally has his perfect weapon to take down Supergirl — her Kasnian counterpart, Red Daughter. This week, he’s ready to unleash her on an unsuspecting Supergirl, but back in National City the titular heroine and her allies are determined to capture Lex and hope that Eve Tessmacher will be the key to their success. Will Supergirl defeat Lex or will Red Daughter create even more problems? Read on for our recap of “All About Eve” but warning: full spoilers for the episode beyond this point.
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The DEO breaks into L Corps and finds Lena alive as well as a letter from Lex “apology”. Alex reads it and learns about Eve. Supergirl and Martian Manhunter are busy searching the world for Lex, with no luck and Supergirl feels like she’s failed. Martian Manhunter tries to use his psychic powers to find Lex and collapses, falling through the sky. Supergirl saves him. Later, he tells her he thinks it’s related to him no longer being a man of peace and hopes to connect to his father’s spirit for counsel.
James gets released from the hospital, but there are apparently side-effects to Lena’s serum. He rebuffs his sister’s urging to take it easy. At the DEO, Supergirl shows up with doughnuts and offers her help to catch Lex. The president has them off the case, though. Supergirl explains Lex had superpowers so Alex offers herself and Brainy. Colonel Haley reluctantly agrees. Alex and Supergirl decide they need to talk to Lena about Eve, but Alex goes alone since Supergirl and Lena aren’t on the best terms. Supergirl returns Brainy’s Legion ring and gives Alex a signal watch. Alone, J’onn summons his father’s spirit.
M’yrnn indeed shows up to counsel with J’onn but he’s not there to help. He’s there to take back cymbals of peace and so he does. J’onn collapses in pain. Lena visits her mother in prison. Lillian goads her and insults her, telling her that her friends will hate her if they knew she had helped Lex. Back at L Corps, Lena decides to help Alex and Supergirl find Eve. The trio pay a visit to Eve’s aunt but meets with cousin Bitsie instead. Surprise. Eve cured Bitsie with the serum, revealed by the fact that Bitsie has superpowers. Bitsie directs them to a secret lab.
At CatCo, James is dealing with PTSD something his sister calls him out on and it doesn’t go that well. Lena, Alex, and Supergirl find Eve’s lab and Supergirl discovers the Harun-El. Lena admits she made more, upsetting Supergirl but Alex sides with Lena, with Supergirl ultimately agreeing that Lena actually did good by creating the Harun-El. She also admits the stress she’s under, apologizing to Lena.
M’yrnn and J’onn talk, with J’onn sort of snapping and admitting who he truly is, taking his full power and declaring himself the Martian Manhunter — exactly what M’yrnn was trying to get him to do. At Eve’s lab it’s discovered that she was doing something with the Metallo protocol, ultimately applying it to Otis Graves. One of the test subjects then bursts in and Supergirl, Lena, and Alex work together to stop him.
At the DEO, with Brainy’s help they figure out Lex was behind literally everything. Supergirl realizes she has to go to Washington next and that they also have to tell James that Lex was behind him being shot, specifically that Eve shot him. J’onn, at his office, is still speaking with M’yrrn and realizes he can return the cymbals to where they originally came in the hope that someone worthy will find them again.
While Kara tells James about Eve, news breaks that the Alien Amnesty Act was repealed, and it’s revealed that Eve is using an image inducer to impersonate a Senator in order to make that happen. At the prison, Lena confronts Lillian with proof that Lex was going to kill her. In Washington, Supergirl flies above the White House while James waits to go inside the Oval Office for photos with the rest of the press. Supergirl thinks she’s found Eve but it’s a trap. Disabled by Lex’s Lexosuit, Red Daughter — dressed as Supergirl — attacks the Oval Office. By the time the real Supergirl breaks free, it’s too late.
In the aftermath, the President declares Supergirl to be public enemy number 1, further cementing the anti-alien sentiment as well as declaring martial law. At the DEO, even Colonel Haley even realizes that it wasn’t Supergirl who attacked. James goes to see his sister for help with his PTSD. At home, Kara tries to call J’onn but he’s left Earth for Mars. Lena and Alex then active the watch that Supergirl gave them. They want to help Supergirl prove her innocence.