Teen Titans Reveals Supernatural Exists in the DC Universe

DC's current run of Teen Titans is officially 40 issues in, and it's given readers some wildly [...]

DC's current run of Teen Titans is officially 40 issues in, and it's given readers some wildly different looks at the life of a teenage superhero. Along the way, there have been quite a lot of quips, endearing moments, and references to pop culture -- and the latest issue was certainly no exception. The series' most recent installment provided a brief, but delightful tie to another property in the Warner Bros. empire -- Supernatural, which is currently wrapping up its fifteenth and final season on The CW. Mild spoilers for Teen Titans #40 below! Only look if you want to know!

The issue opens with the Titans attempting to find Djinn, who has apparently been trapped in literal Purgatory. Word of having to travel to such a dark place confuses some of the Titans, particularly Jakeem Thunder. When he asks if anyone else understands what the Titans are talking about, William Wu/Roundhouse remarks that "this is some straight-up Sam and Dean stuff".

teen titans 40 supernatural easter egg
(Photo: DC Comics)

This, of course, is a reference to the adventures of Sam and Dean Winchester, who have certainly gone to versions of Hell and back again across Supernatural's run. It's also confirmation of sorts that yes, Supernatural is seemingly a TV show within the current DC universe.

Oddly enough, this is the second allusion the DC world has made to Supernatural in just this month, as new photos from an upcoming episode of Legends of Tomorrow showcased the show's iconic car, Baby. As Legends showrunner Phil Klemmer confirmed, the episode, which is called "Zari, Not Zari", will feature its time-traveling heroes having to interact with the crew of the fictionalized TV show.

"From the beginning, we knew that we wanted to set an episode in modern-day Vancouver, because directly following the crossover that was all we could afford… I'm kidding, sorta, not really," Klemmer joked in a recent interview. "Anyway, we wanted to do a spooky, Predator-style skulk-around-the-woods episode and at the 11th hour decided to have the Legends intersect with the crew of Supernatural. This was the inspired choice of our producing director Kevin Mock, I believe. In our world, Supernatural is a TV show, not a real thing. Sorry, Supernatural fans."

"The [Supernatural] producers were incredibly gracious and enthusiastic about this tip of the hat, however. They even let us borrow some of their musical score — listen closely!" Klemmer explained, adding that "Sam and Dean did not make the final cut, unfortunately. Or rather they were busy working on their own show."

What do you think of Teen Titans' Supernatural reference? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!