The heroes of the DC Universe are more than content handling things on their own, but when push comes to shove they know they can rely on each other to combat any threat that comes their way.
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The cast of Final Fantasy is just as varied as their DC counterparts, but they exist in mostly separate worlds. If afforded the same opportunity, though, they would certainly rise to the occasion and come together for the greater good. Well, most of them would (looking at you, Cid).
The Justice League is the pinnacle of all that’s right in the realm of superheroes, and so it made sense to model the Final Fantasy team after it. The roster has changed over the years, so this list goes with the most recent lineup seen in the DC Rebirth era of books. The Final Fantasy universe is rich with likable and vaunted characters, so of course this list is subjective, and make sure to let us know your picks in the comments!
Without further ado, here is the Final Fantasy Justice League.
Barret Wallace as Cyborg (Final Fantasy VII)
Barret and Cyborg are both acquaintedย with loss of the most personal kind, their bodies.
Cyborg almost died from injuries he sustained in an accident, and in a last-ditch effort to save his son his father subjected his son’s body to cybernetic enhancements. It had never been tested on a human being, and it was a bit of a hail mary, but the experiment succeeded, and gave Victor an extremelyย useful tool set that he uses to help humankind.
Barret’s past was far more grounded than all that, but it took no less getting used to. Barret never runs from a fight, and as part of his ongoingย campaign against the Shinra Corporation, he lost his right arm. After the incident, he had his appendage replaced with a gun-arm, which allows him to switchย out the weaponry to fit whatever the situation may be.
Both heroes have had to come to terms with their changed bodies, but neither one lets their changed circumstances stand in their way, and they both prove time and time again their loyalty to the betterment of mankind.

Tifa as Wonder Woman (Final Fantasy VII)
Wonder Woman is one of DC’s iconic trinity for good reason. Her compassion, power, and skill are legendary, and while she likes to go into situations with a plan, when things go awry she doesn’t hesitate to dive in and get her hands dirty.
The same could be said for Tifa, who’s tender heart and understanding are belied with a penchant for getting into fistfights witout a second thought. She lets her fists do the talking, and when a friend is in danger she will put herself between them and the threat at a moment’s notice.
Both are indespensilbe to their respective lineups, and with either one in tow you are most assured the victory.

Cloud as Simon Baz
Simon Baz got off to a rough start when he first joined the Green Lantern Corps, and his journey somewhat mirrors that of Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII.
Both characters are a bit rough around the edges and have a tendency to brood whenever they aren’t showing off. They don’t make the best first impression, but as time goes on it’s hard not to gradually start to enjoy their company, cockiness aside.
Simon Baz has the ultimate weapon at his disposal, but still likes to conjureย more practical weapons like guns and blunt instrumentsย as opposed to race cars and boxing gloves. Cloud doesn’t leave anywhere without his trademark sword, but he’s also made some modifications to it over the years.
Both can be loose cannons at times, but as time goes on you’ll be glad you kept them around.

Auron as Batman (Final Fantasy X)
Batman isn’t a man of many words, but when he does speak people tend to listen. In comparisonย Auron makes Batman look like a chatterbox, but that didn’t keep him from becoming a crowd favorite.
Auron is a man of caution just like Bruce and isn’t prone to making rash decisions on the battlefield. At some point, though, the plan needs some sound execution, and Auron’s skills with his blade are second to none, and no foe is too big for him.
Granted, you probably don’t want to invite these guys to a party unless you have a closed off brooding section, but in a fight, there are few better.

Zidane as The Flash (Final Fantasy IX)
Every team needs a lighthearted and endearing personality to be the glue of the group, and The Flash has always been that to the Justice League. Having all those incredibly useful speed force powers certainly helps of course, but what he means to the team beyond those is what’s most important.
From a distance, Zidane Tribal is seen as just a thief. Talented, sure, but just a thief. It’s his inherent likeability and lively nature that endears him to the rest of the team, wit his natural skills just becoming icing on the cake.
Zidane was almost lost during the events of the game, and fans have already experienced what it’s like to lose a Flash on multiple occasions. The day these two are lost forever will be a sad one, to which their respective friends and teams can attest.

Basch as Aquaman (Final Fantasy XII)
There are many in the Final Fantasy universe that long to be leaders and kings, but few are qualified for such a task. The ones that are prized traits like loyalty and honor above all else, and seek to protect those around them. Aquaman embodies these traits, and so does Basch Rosenberg.
Basch has overcome a great deal in his young life and through each of those trials he’s come out the other end stronger. He’s not the mostย boisterous warrior you’ll find, but his physical abilities are second to none and by journey’s end he’ll easily earn your trust. Basch is a born leader, and would easily fill the place of royalty that Arthur occupies within the league.

Ramza as Superman (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Superman is held in the highest regard amongst the other DC superheroes for his compassionateย and honest nature, but that’s only half the story. Those traits aren’t worth anything if the character isn’t relatable, and through the years the best parts of Superman have been when the team focuses on his more human elements, and the flawed journey he partakes in along the way.
Ramza’s story in Final Fantasy Tactics doesn’t involve any crashed space ships or kryptonite, but it does involve a coming of age tale that follows the young mercenary as he learns about life and the people in it, and becomes the hero he is meant to be.
He learns of the good in people and meets the people who will always be there to take advantage of you, and along the way decides that this kingdom, these people, are worth fighting for, much in the same way that Superman decides humanity’s protection is a worthy cause. If someone was going to be the beacon of hope for the league, Ramza would be the first in line.
