Once Barry makes his way out of the Speed Force at the start of The Flash‘s upcoming fourth season, the hero will finally tie the knot with his soulmate Iris West — but that will not make their relationship any less complicated.
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During a conversation with Entertainment Weekly, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg confirmed plans for Barry and Iris to get married, but cautioned fans not to start popping the champagne just yet.
“They are finally going to get married this season and then it’s going to be: Can they stay married with everything that’s coming up against them?” EP Andrew Kreisberg teased EW‘s Spoiler Room.
In the Silver Age of comics, when Barry was created, romances followed one of two basic modes: either the courtship was a drawn-out, will-they-or-won’t-they soap opera that could theoretically last forever (see: Superman and Lois Lane, Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris), or marriages happened relatively quickly (Reed and Sue Richards, Ralph and Sue Dibny). The Flash fell into the latter category, getting hitched in 1966, just a decade after he was first created.
In more recent years, the idea of superheroes getting married, having kids, etc., has been a divisive topic. Marvel removed Spider-Man’s marriage from continuity, saying among other things that it limited their storytelling possibilities. Superman’s marriage was briefly retconned as well, although it returned (and with it, a son) at the start of DC’s Rebirth initiative last year. Writers have generally dismissed the idea that “married couples are boring,” citing more or less exactly what Kreisberg says: being married is not a magic spell that solves all of your problems, so most of the same conflicts can still be used.
Back in March, after the pair had become engaged but before they stopped Savitar, producers had suggested that the wedding was likely to happen in Season Four. In the time since, Candice Patton has been advocating for the characters to make the relationship legal.
The Flash will return to the airwaves next month, with its season premiere taking place on Tuesday, October 10th, at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.