Ralph and Barry run drills for how to defeat The Thinker. Barry shuts it down after Ralph decides to go off script. Cisco and Iris suggest that Ralph morph into a second version of Barry as a way to confuse and defeat DeVoe, but he disagrees.
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Barry and Iris debate if Ralph is taking the fight against DeVoe seriously. Iris says it will all work out.
Harry uses the Thinking Cap to locate the two remaining Bus Metas. As Harry explains, Edwin Gauss essentially disappeared from existence, while Janet Petty has been hard to track down her whole life.
Breacher comes in and chokes Cisco, asking for help. As he explains, he tried to fight off an army of vampires, but he wasn’t able to breach away. He asks Cisco to help fix him, and Cisco reluctantly agrees.
DeVoe and Marlize talk in their lab. DeVoe worries that he will lose his health very soon, and asks Marlize to help fix the Thinking Chair to help him live longer. Marlize agrees, and reminds DeVoe that there are still three Bus Metas left, because Weeper is still at large.
Two security guards attempt to move a heavy crate at a museum. As they walk away to find a dolly, Null shows up and levitates the crate, stealing an expensive tiara in the process.
Ralph and Barry arrive as Joe interviews the security guards. They try to determine which meta performed the heist, and how to stop them. Ralph extends one of his arms to try to grab fingerprints, but trips the security guards, breaking an expensive vase.
Caitlin and Cisco perform tests on Breacher. Caitlin reveals that Breacher can’t vibe anymore because of his old age, and Cisco is reluctant to tell him.
Marlize continues working on the Thinking Chair. She drops her mug and finds a suspicious chemical on the ground, which she runs tests on.
Team Flash runs tests on the thief’s fingerprints, and finds out that she has an array of aliases. Barry and Ralph track down her location, and find the Irish private investigator, Earl. Ralph morphs into Joe, and begins to angrily interrogate Earl. They discover that he has a bunch of jewels, and find Null hiding on the ceiling. Null jumps down, poking Barry and sending him onto the ceiling.
Team Flash tries to figure out how to reverse Null’s powers, while trying to hold Barry to the ceiling. Harry discovers that the powers wear off pretty quickly, and Barry falls down onto the ground. Barry criticizes Ralph for joking around and not taking things seriously, and benches Ralph.
Marlize reads through the tests on herself, and believes she’s being slowly drugged by Clifford using Weeper’s tears.
Cisco scrambles to try to find a way to help Breacher, while Caitlin argues that he should just tell him. Breacher walks in, and Cisco tries to get him to take antihistamine pills. Breacher does, and realizes that his vibe colors are different, which Cisco chalks up to a side effect of the pills.
Barry and Iris talk about Ralph’s demeanor. Iris gets a notification that Null is robbing a jewelry store, but Barry doesn’t know how to stop him. Harry suggests that Barry vibrate too fast for Null to see, so her powers won’t have an effect.
Barry arrives on the scene and handcuffs Null. She laughs and points out a car that was floating in the sky, and is now crashing towards the ground. Barry rushes to save the passenger, and Null escapes in the process.
Harry gets angry that the Thinking Cap didn’t help with Null or defeating DeVoe. Iris tells Barry that it’s impossible to predict what DeVoe is going to do, and that he shouldn’t be lashing out at Ralph in the process.
Cisco finds Breacher’s pills, which vibe him towards the location — fighting Crucifer on another world. Cisco rescues Breacher, and tells him that the vibe blasts won’t work, and apologizes for not telling him sooner. Breacher says that he hates Cisco and leaves. Caitlin comes in, and says that Cisco did the right thing.
Marlize records a video message to herself, instructing her of what to do when she realizes that DeVoe is drugging her. She tries to save the video under a fake name, but finds a file of the same kind — that Marlize herself recorded earlier. DeVoe shows up, and explains that this has happened several times before, and that he’s erasing Marlize’s memory with the help of Weeper and Brainstorm’s powers. She then lobotomizes Marlize.
Barry pulls Ralph aside, and apologizes for criticizing how he’s handling things. As Ralph explains, he uses humor as a defense mechanism. Iris then pages them both, revealing that they found Null’s location — a museum party.
Null arrives at the museum party and levitates guests so she can steal their jewelry. Ralph and Barry arrive, just as Null touches the floor of the party. Barry runs the party guests to safety, but is zapped with Null’s powers and sent into the atmosphere.
Team Flash scrambles for a way to save Barry, but Barry suggests that Ralph improvise and come up with something. Ralph puts the meta-dampening cuffs on Null, which send Barry flying back to the ground. Ralph then turns into a giant whoopie cushion, cushioning Barry’s fall. Barry thanks Ralph, and Ralph responds by farting out air.
Barry and Ralph put Null in the pipeline. They try to decide to do what next. Joe leaves to research Edwin Gauss, but stops to ask Ralph about a call he got from Earl.
Iris, Cisco, and Caitlin leave the room, so Barry can thank Ralph for his help.
Breacher visits Cisco while wearing vacation clothes. As he explains, he’s going to retire from breaching and visit a dragon farm upstate. Breacher then offers Cisco his job.
Marlize wakes up, where DeVoe explains the same thing — that he only has a week left in Izzy’s body, and Marlize needs to help repair the Thinking Chair. Marlize agrees.
Harry opens Thawne’s secret lair, putting the Thinking Cap in a container. He then activates Gideon, and says that a lot has changed since they last spoke.