Many Minecraft players are just now starting to realize that you can sleep not only through the night, but also through thunderstorms.
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If you’re one of the savvier Minecraft players or one that reads up on the game as much as you can, you might’ve known already that you can skip a thunderstorm by resting in a bed. The Minecraft Wiki informs players that you can sleep through the storm just like you would through the night so that you don’t have to deal with the rainy mess and the hazards it brings, but it’s still a feature that might’ve gone unnoticed since beds are usually used solely to sleep through the night.
Whether you knew about it or not, it looks like Mojang is now trying to bridge that gap between players with a new in-game message that lets you know about the thunderstorm-skipping strategy. Within a post on Reddit titled “You can sleep at night AND during thunderstorms… how long has this been a thing?” a Minecraft player asked the game’s subreddit when the feature was added. The player also shared an image of an in-game notification that pops up when you try to sleep during the day that says “You can sleep only at night and during thunderstorms,” and though the feature has been around for a while now, players were quick to point out that the message does indeed appear to be new.
Players commented about how they’ve been sleeping through thunderstorms for a while now while others said that they’ve been playing for years and years and have never once heard that you could do such a thing. There will still be plenty of people that won’t ever see that message since they only try to sleep at night and never during the day when they’d be prompted with that message, but if you accidently try to sleep a bit too early one day, you’ll now see this message. According to frequent players, it appears that the message was changed just recently in one of the game’s updates.
The feature is more useful than it seems since thunderstorms can lead to some less than preferable scenarios. Lighting strikes the map and creates fires while also dealing damage to mobs that are hit, sometimes even creating charged Creepers that have increased power. The lighting effects also aren’t great, so if you’ve got a bed handy when the clouds start rolling in, it’s best to give it a pass just as you would the night.