As Digimon game series producer, Kazumasa Habu, previously teased, Bandai Namco has announced that a brand-new Digimon Story game is in development for the PlayStation 4.
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Unfortunately, details on the project are virtually non-existent, but, hey, another new Digimon game is reason enough to party hard.
According to Habu, “development is going to take to take a bit of time,” which seems to suggest a release date is still a ways off. And when you consider Bandai Namco already has the new Digimon Survive coming next year, this makes sense.
Interestingly, Habu suggests that we may see more Digimon games going forward than we’ve seen in the past. The producer notes that if too much time passes between releases, then people start to lose interest in general, and thus to remedy this more games need to come quicker. This perhaps explains why there’s two Digimon games currently in development right now, because once Survive hits, Habu and co. want to have more waiting on the sideline.
According to Habu, the new Digimon Story title is looking to “embrace a wide range fans” and create “a new core series,” and thus it will be made with not only Digimon’s most hardcore fans in mind, but the more casual Digimon fan who may have dipped out of the series over the years.
Habu also confirms the game will have a completely original world, which is in-line with his desire to create a game that newcomers can enjoy.
Speaking on the future of Digimon games, Habu added:
“In the future, I hope to the games will continue to expand the world of Digimon in their own way. Digimon has become a title with many series such as anime and toys, and is very complex. So it might be difficult for new people to get into, but in the world of games, even players who don’t know of Digimon can come to know of and enjoy it through the game. Those are the types of games I’d like to deliver. Also, while it might be too early to discuss, I also hope to think about a Digimon game that utilizes online. However, as games become more complex, the threshold only gets higher, and I personally want to value the game nature and ease of play that even light players can enjoy. Of course, I also want to keep the focus on making the presentation, characters, and world more fascinating.”
Beyond PlayStation 4, no other platforms have been divulged for the new Digimon Story Game. Further a release date, has also not been provided. In the meanwhile, if you haven’t already, be sure to check out Digimon Survive, which is poised to bring more Digimon action to a myriad of platforms next year.