The Nintendo Switch 2 has been revealed and the highly anticipated video game console is confirmed to hit retailers this year. Of course, prior to the revelation of Nintedo’s next console, there were more than a few leakers that were streaming drips of spoilers into the ether. In a shocking statement video game director Hideaki Kamiya had some choice words for those who leaked, with Hideaki having quite the reputation in the video game world. Kamiya is responsible for the like of Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Okami, and The Wonderful 101 to name a few but he pulled on the power of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure to curse those who spilled the beans on the Switch 2.
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Kamiya’s statement is one that had many thinking of the fate of the anime villain known as Kars. Taking the role of the big bad of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency, the nefarious creature of the night had some big shoes to fill as he immediately followed the first anime entry and its major villain, Dio Brando. Arriving on the scene with his followers, the Pillar Men, Kars was eventually defeated by Joseph Joestar and sent hurtling into outer space. Despite the vampire’s immortality and massive power-up in Battle Tendency’s finale, Kars could not overcome the power of outer space and was never seen again as his stone-encased body was last seen hurling through the cosmos.

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Suffer The Fate of Kars
In a new social media post, Hideki Kamiya wished ill will on Switch 2 leakers, desiring that they suffer the same fate as Kars. Here’s what the Resident Evil director had to say, “To everyone who leaked or was involved in leaking information about the Switch 2: I hope you’re cursed for the rest of your lives so that every time you go home, there’s always sh** stuck to the soles of your shoes. Now that I’ve been able to truly enjoy the surprise of the Okami announcement together with all the users, I sincerely think this: may everyone last one of those leakers be cursed.”
Kamiya’s tirade continued, “The sh***y leakers only act purely for their own pleasure and self-satisfaction. Not only are they not contributing to anyone’s benefit, but they’re causing all sorts of opportunity losses. They’re the worst scum, doing nothing to be proud of in the eyes of others. They might as well be covered head to toe in sh** and tossed out into space, beyond the atmosphere and then just stop thinking and wander forever.”
JoJo’s Bizarre Video Game Adventure
The Joestars are no stranger to the world of video games, receiving several fighting games in their history. Perhaps the biggest entry of the anime franchise was JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven, an original game that united all the generations of Joestar into one adventure. In Japan, there is even an arcade cabinet with the title JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Last Survivor which is a battle royale game that sees heroes and villains from the series attempt to be the last one standing. Ultimately, it will be interesting to see if Hirohiko Araki’s beloved series makes its way to the Nintendo Switch 2 in some form.
Want to stay in the loop on how the Joestars influence the world of video games? Follow along with Team Anime and Team Gaming on for the future crossovers between the two mediums and hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime.