Possible 'Batman: Court of Owls' Game Teased by WB

It looks like we are going to be getting even more Batman in the near future because Warner Bros. [...]

It looks like we are going to be getting even more Batman in the near future because Warner Bros. Montreal seems to be teasing a a new title surrounding the treacherous Court of Owls.

Though we've heard a few rumblings in recent weeks about a new Batman game, it seems that Warner Bros. Montreal assistant producer Valerie Vezina may have just given us exactly what we were looking for: more clues!

For those that are unfamiliar with the Court of Owls, they are a group of villains set up in Gotham that are seen as the masterminds behind the city and how it operates. Known for their ability to take a situation and bend it to their will, this group is powerful and a worthy opponent to Batman himself.

We've known for quite some time now that WB Montreal had two DC games in the works and they've already proven that they know how to give DC fans a solid Batman story with Arkham Origins. With The Game Awards just a few days away, this is likely the game they were teasing earlier this week for the showcase on December 6th.

As for what else we have coming our way during the awards ceremony, Geoff Keighley teased that they have a few big announcements up their sleeves. "We have such an incredible show coming together for next week," said Keighley in a recent Twitter post. "More than 10 new games will be announced for the first time during #TheGameAwards plus updates on existing titles too. We will share some teases in the days to come...."

You can learn even more about The Game Awards broadcast here, including how to watch the show and make sure your vote has been heard. The show will begin on December 6 at 8:30 PM EDT. You can also keep it tuned in here because we will be covering it live, including every breaking announcement that makes its way across that stage.

Are you excited to see more Batman in the future? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below, or hit me up on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy for your dream DC game!