Dr Disrespect Explains Why Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Is About to Kill PUBG

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is about to kill PUBG, or at least that's what popular streamer Dr [...]

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is about to kill PUBG, or at least that's what popular streamer Dr Disrespect alleged during a recent stream that saw him go on a patented tirade about the latter, which also featured him explaining why nobody plays the battle royale game anymore. As you may know, the Two-Time has a love-hate relationship with PUBG that's punctuated with many angered-fueled rants at the game. However, while the game's player base has stagnated a bit in the west since Fortnite, it's actually exploded in Asia. In other words, the game is healthier than ever. That said, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is right around the corner and will surely eat into its numbers a little bit.

"Guess what -- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, we got a couple more weeks, and then guess what: Battlegrounds we will probably never hear from again," said the Doc during a recent stream.

Dr Disrespect continued noting that the developers of PUBG never properly fixed their game. Further, the title still doesn't compare controls-wise to other similar games on the market.

"You never fixed your game," shouted the Two-Time. "You never did anything with your game. You never, like, made it feel really good and smooth. You never add any new content. You didn't add any servers so I'm not playing on 90 ping every game. You didn't do anything Blue Balls (Dr Disrespect's nickname for Bluehole, which the PUBG developer used to be called). That's why nobody is playing your game."

The Two-Time stopped himself right before his "good mood" was ruined, but as you can see, the streamer is in a rocky patch with the title. And when Call of Duty: Modern Warfare releases, he may not be visiting the battle royale title very much, especially considering how much Apex Legends he's been playing lately.

Anyway, as always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think. Do you agree with Dr Disrespect? Will Call of Duty: Modern Warfare kill off PUBG? Meanwhile, for more on the Twitch streamer, be sure to peep all of our previous coverage of the video game champion by clicking right here.