Take-Two Comments On Whether Red Dead Redemption 2 Will Match GTA V's Success

Grand Theft Auto V has become the biggest success story in the video game industry. The last time [...]

Red Dead Redemption 2

Grand Theft Auto V has become the biggest success story in the video game industry. The last time we checked, it sold over 95 million copies and is easily closing in on the 100 million mark.

That gives Rockstar Games' next release, Red Dead Redemption 2, a whole lot to live up to. The game is set to arrive later this year and is riding a tidal wave of hype but some folks can't help but wonder if it'll even come close to the success of the previously released GTA V.

Game Informer recently had a chance to speak with Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, inquiring if he thinks that Red Dead 2 will be able to keep up with the company's massive hit.

"I don't really feel that…look, Grand Theft Auto is the most profitable entertainment property of all time," Zelnick explained. "That's a pretty big statement. I don't think the challenge for any one of our releases is if it's as successful as another release. I think the challenge is, have we made something of which we're incredibly proud? Have we made an experience that we think consumers are going to love and have a lot of fun with? I think the answer is hands-down yes with Red Dead and consumers seem to be eagerly anticipating it, so that's good enough for me.

"Do I think it'll be a hit? Yes. Do I think it'll be a huge hit? Yes. Do I know how huge of a hit it will be? I actually don't, I mean I really don't. I know the team has put their heart and soul into it and it shows."

Red Dead is already preparing for a big sales onslaught, as a lot of major releases including Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 are steering clear of its release window. But the real question here is how the package will live up to the hype as we still haven't seen anything on its multiplayer nor its rumored Battle Royale mode.

We'll probably get a closer glimpse soon. But there's no reason why Red Dead can't rule this year when it comes to game sales. It is Rockstar, after all.

Red Dead Redemption 2 releases on October 26 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.