81-Year-Old Destiny 2 Player Writes Follow Up Story For Players That Helped Him During 'Whisper of the Worm'

Earlier this week we shared a short story written by an 81-year-old Destiny 2 player that really [...]

Earlier this week we shared a short story written by an 81-year-old Destiny 2 player that really showed off the powerful community possible through online play. As we mentioned before, there's truly no feeling like squading up with friends once more to take on an online game experience together. Whether it's an MMO shooter like Destiny, or an MMORPG like World of Warcraft, sometimes an adventure is better with buds. In the case of one 81-year-old Destiny 2 player, his first tale of friendship reminds us why the word "online" isn't a bad thing. Now, he's back for another incredible adventure.

Fibby "FIBBOB" Kinney is a retired 81-year-old writer and a huge fan of the universe that Bungie created within their Destiny franchise. Where his first story focused on a group of helpful gamers that lent their skills to help him complete the Leviathan raid before Year 2 kicks off with Forsaken, the second celebrates the same in-game family when they grouped up once more to take on the Whisper of the Worm.

Thanks to Twitter user @xPXGx, one of the players a part of this awesome LFG team, we've got a chance to enjoy the narrative adventures of Fibby once more. On a personal note, I loved getting the feedback from Adam "xPXGx" G about how Fibby feels from all of the love regarding his story. This is what the gaming community is about and if we can continue spreading these good vibes - you bet your darn butt we're going to do just that.

Like the first, the story itself is a big on the lengthy side but we've provided an excerpt below:

"I walked around the Tower just looking at guardians who carried this fantastic "Exotic" sniper rifle on their back. It is a badge, not only of courage, but also of achievement. How hard it is to get this masterpiece of firepower ?How many jumps must be made to cross the abyss ? The incredible amount of enemies that must be slain to reach the point where the boss appears seems, endless. It is an almost impossible task, at least I thought so, until PXG_S3 and Drakonans appeared.

It was a Friday night in August 2018. I was on the moon IO, at the Lost Oasis, just hanging around waiting for a Public Event to happen. I sat there in the shade of a big rock. There were other guardians there, as they milled around and wiped out some enemies that randomly appeared. A few of the elite guardians had the "Whisper of the Worm" strapped to their backs. What a badge of weaponry. I always envied those who had the courage and the know how to get this magic weapon. I laid my head back on the big rock and closed my eyes. Ah, to dream, to wonder how and why?""

To read more, please check out all of the amazing parts to Fibby's tale right here, as well as progress on each raid cleared! You can also see the flood of wonderful comments from players all over the world, really showing true testament to the power of online gaming.