Assassin's Creed Origins Animated Short Shows The Darker Side To Being An Assassin

Assassin's Creed Origins has an absolutely breathtaking storyline. We couldn't rave about it [...]


Assassin's Creed Origins has an absolutely breathtaking storyline. We couldn't rave about it enough in our full review of the latest title and it looks like the fun is just getting started. In addition to a new storyline expansion, it seems like the Ubisoft team has been hard at work on another way to enjoy the new storyline: an animated short!

The Ubisoft Hong Kong team debuted the stunning new animated short to show off their work alongside Paperbox Creations. It goes even further into what Bayek, the main protagonist, is capable of and shows the darker side of his duty that many may forget. The short video was instantly hailed an amazing addition to the latest game with more and more fans begging for an animated short series. To see what the hype is about yourself, check out the video here:

The video above shows off more about what many are enraptured by when it comes to ancient Egyptian practices. The art of weighing one's deeds in death is a daunting task, and the weight is shown in the short. The Egyptian practice was to weight the deceased heart against a feather. If a person lived a good, virtuous life, then the heart would weigh less than the feather. For those with nefarious deeds to their person, the afterlife would not be so splendid. The very end of the video shows Bayek's own heart being weighed by the god Anubis himself.

Assassin's Creed Origins is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. To read our in-depth thoughts on everything from the story, to the mechanics - check out our full review here.