Fortnite: Batman Crossover Comic Will Answer Major Questions About Game's Lore

The first issue of Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point makes its debut today, the highly-anticipated comic [...]

The first issue of Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point makes its debut today, the highly-anticipated comic crossover event between DC's Dark Knight and the Epic Games phenomenon. As Fortnite's biggest foray into comics yet, fans have been curious to see exactly how it will approach the game's unique Battle Royale universe, which has accumulated years of lore and playable characters. While there are massive swaths of Fortnite lore that have largely been unexplored, Zero Point has been heralded as a place where fans can begin to get some answers — and it looks like they'll be significant ones. recently attended a press event with Zero Point's creative team, writer Christos Gage and artist Reilly Brown, where they were asked about how Fortnite itself will reflect the discoveries made in the comic.

"I think that that's probably more of a question for [Epic Games CCO] Donald [Mustard], but I believe that yeah, once the answers are revealed, that's out there," Gage revealed. "And I suspect that — I honestly have no idea, but I'm guessing that there will be. Gamers probably saw the recent cinematic between Agent Jones and The Foundation. There may be more like that, references to some of the secrets that Batman and his allies and enemies uncover. But I don't think it's gonna be a direct recap. I think that people who want to know the details or the answers should really pick up the book, because it'll all be in there. As I understand it, once the secrets are revealed, that's just now part of the Fortnite universe and how it'll be referenced going further. That's what I thought was so cool about this, is that it's not just for fun. It's not just like, 'Let's throw a Batman on Fortnite island and have them fight some Fortnite characters,' which would have been a lot of fun by itself. But we're actually revealing some really interesting stuff about how the entire world works."

"I've worked on tie-ins with outside IPs before and usually, it's a fun sort of thing where, 'Hey, let's have these characters fight these characters and do something fun,'" Gage said later on in the press event. "But in this case, from the start, Donald was like, 'No, this is going to have a lasting impact on Fortnite now.'"

Brown also promised that Fortnite's original characters, whose individual backstories have largely been up to fans' interpretations over the years, that the latter issues of the comic will provide some major character moments for some.

"A lot of people are saying from the previews, 'It looks like the Fortnite characters are just going to be punching bags for Batman.' The first few issues, they're playing the game, just like you are, so Batman doesn't know anything more about who the characters are or their personalities than the average player would. But issues four and five, they definitely get more into the personalities of some. So if you want more backstory on the characters, definitely hold out for issues four and five, because that's all coming."

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #1 is now available for purchase at comic shops and virtual platforms, as well as for free for subscribers of DC Universe Infinite.