Ubisoft CEO Provides New Update on Beyond Good And Evil 2

Fans have been waiting for new information on Beyond Good and Evil 2 for quite some time now, and [...]

Fans have been waiting for new information on Beyond Good and Evil 2 for quite some time now, and a minor update about the game was recently provided by Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot. In a new earnings call, Guillemot was asked about the game's status. Unfortunately, the CEO did not have much to say about the upcoming sequel, only revealing that the company is apparently happy with the game's current progress. Given how little information has been revealed about Beyond Good and Evil 2 thus far, it's certainly good news for those that have been waiting for more information from the publisher.

"The game is progressing well," Guillemot revealed. "The world is really fantastic; as you could see, Netflix also decided to take that universe and create a movie with it. So there's a lot of progress in that team and the game is coming along very well."

The original Beyond Good & Evil released all the way back in 2003 on PS2, GameCube, and Xbox. Directed by Michel Ancel and produced by Guillemot, the title was an adventure game seemingly inspired by the Zelda series. Initial sales for the game were lackluster, but Beyond Good & Evil managed to find an audience over time. An HD remaster of the game was released in 2011, and a Netflix adaptation is currently in the works.

Last month, Ancel announced his departure from Ubisoft, as well as the video game industry as a whole. Despite his assurances that Beyond Good and Evil 2 would continue development without him, fans couldn't be blamed for wondering if that would truly be the case. After all, the game has had a very long development cycle, and little has been shown, thus far. Fortunately, it seems that things are continuing to progress, and the long-awaited prequel is still in the works, in some capacity.

Until Ubisoft announces anything more concrete about the game, fans will simply have to take what they can get. However, with the Netflix adaptation underway, it certainly seems like there might be an opportunity for Ubisoft to promote the franchise in a significant way. Perhaps Beyond Good & Evil will finally earn its moment in the spotlight!

Are you excited for Beyond Good and Evil 2? What do you want to see from the sequel? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!