Black Ops 4 Not Planned for Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch has taken the gaming world by storm and because of that, the question comes up [...]


The Nintendo Switch has taken the gaming world by storm and because of that, the question comes up about pretty much every game announced as to whether or not they will eventually make it to the hybrid console from the Big N. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 was not exempt from this, with rampart rumors swirling around that Treyarch's latest Call of Duty title would be the next game to make that jump. Alas, these rumors can finally be put to bed because straight from the source 'it just ain't happening.'

Twinfinite recently sat down with the Senior Producer over at Treyarch to talk about the latest in the Black Ops franchise and one of the questions that came up had to do with the most recent Nintendo Platform. When asked "Are there any plans to bring any aspect of Black Ops 4 to Nintendo Switch," Miller gave a very definitive "No, there is not."

The interviewer proposed a clarifying question, leaving it open for future consideration. Miller's resounding "no" not only shot down current rumors, but future speculation as well. It makes sense, though. From what we've seen of the epic unveiling, Treyarch has their hands full with all of the revamping they've done to the series. Gladiator zombies, a magical steampunk-looking Titanic Zombie map, battle royale?! There's a lot of new coming to the game that remaking it all to fit the Switch hardware would be a massive undertaking.

Still, it's a testament to how well the Nintendo Switch is doing that no title can be announced with an instant lit fire of interest from fans. With more third party support than ever before and surprising reveals at every turn, stranger things have definitely happened and we're excited to see Nintendo back in a more positive spotlight.

As far as another new addition to the Call of Duty game, that battle royale mode looked sick. "This is battle royale Black Ops style," Treyarch boasted and we're left wondering exactly what that means. When asked how many players will be dropped into this new mode, Treyarch responded "We haven't actually decided," Vonderhaar told the site. "We have to create the best experience, and to create that experience in a Call of Duty universe, you have to try various flavors of that until you find the right one."

For reference, the Blackout map will be about 1,500 times larger than that of their beloved map of Nuketown. Just like other battle royale games, players must hunt for the best loot, the best ground to take a stand, while also providing a solid defense against enemy players in a shrinking environment meant to kill.

You can read more about the new mode, expectations, and the full reveal, right here.