
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Confirms Multiple Big Gameplay Features

Activision and Infinity Ward have confirmed multiple, big gameplay features for Call of Duty: […]

Activision and Infinity Ward have confirmed multiple, big gameplay features for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, this year’s Call of Duty coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC in October. More specifically, over on Reddit, co-design director of multiplayer Joe Cecot has confirmed the series will continue to have offline bots, and this includes in the Modern Warfare soft reboot. In other words, you can play some form of the mutliplayer even if you don’t have friends to play with via LAN or an Internet connection to play traditional online multiplayer.

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Meanwhile, Cecot also confirmed that custom games are back, which is a feature fans have been wondering about for awhile now. Unfortunately, it sounds like Infinity Ward isn’t doing anything new in this regard. However, we do know 2v2 Gunfight mode will allow for 3v3 via custom matches, as well as 1v1, which is how Infinity Ward would actually (but probably not actually) settle things around the office.

Lastly, and perhaps most interestingly, the multiplayer design director confirmed there will be a realism mode for maps that gets rid of HUD and crosshairs. In addition to this modifier, there will also be a night mode modifier, but it sounds like this will only be for some maps.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is set to release later this year on October 25 via the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. At the moment of publishing, there’s been no word of any additional ports.

For more news, media, and information on the upcoming shooter, be sure to check out all of our previous and extensive coverage of the title by clicking right here.

“Infinity Ward invited select members of the media and well-known gamers to Los Angeles earlier this week to go hands-on with the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. After four hours of gameplay and customizing, it was clear that this game is going to be a new addiction for many as the Call of Duty franchise goes back to its best roots from the previous generation of gaming,” reads the opening of our official preview of the game’s multiplayer. “Taking some of the best elements of the Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2 games, 2019’s new Modern Warfare release enhances the experiences with small new details and new game modes.”