Captain America, Black Panther Game Gets First Details and Cast Confirmed

Skydance's newly announced, untitled Marvel game starring Captain America and Black Panther has gotten first details that also confirm the cast of the game. Skydance may sound familiar as it's a movie studio responsible for films like Mission: Impossible, but it has also spun off a subsidiary called Skydance New Media that will develop big new cinematic games with former Uncharted writer Amy Hennig at the helm. The team has already confirmed that it's working on a Star Wars game and the aforementioned Marvel title, meaning they're stacked with huge IPs at the moment. However, given Skydance New Media is a relatively new team, it seems like these games are still years away.

At the Disney and Marvel Games Showcase, Skydance New Media revealed an untitled Captain America and Black Panther game set in World War II. There were very few details in the trailer, but thankfully, a new press release answers some questions fans were left with after the trailer ended. The game will be a "globe-trotting adventure" and feature four playable heroes: Steve Rogers as Cap, Azzuri, T'Challa's grandfather, as Black Panther, Gabriel Jones, a member of the Howling Commandos, and Nanali, leader of the fledgling Wakandan Spy Network. Speaking on a panel (via Ryan Penagos), it was confirmed that the game is inspired by the comic book Captain America/Black Panther: Flags of Our Fathers and the game is expected to be story driven and "deeply cinematic". The team is also working to create intuitive controls that really make the player feel like they're embodying these heroes.

"We're so grateful for all the enthusiasm and support we've received from fans, and we're thrilled to finally unveil a first glimpse of the game during this year's D23 Expo," said Amy Hennig, President, Skydance New Media, in a statement. "Marvel has been an incredible partner throughout the creative process as we develop an original story and build an exciting new team of characters. We hope fans are intrigued by this sneak peek, and we're excited to share more down the road."  

As of right now, it sounds like Skydance is pouring a lot of effort and love into this Marvel game. Given there's no title, it seems like the game is still years away. It wouldn't be surprising if this Captain America and Black Panther game vanishes for a bit while the team chips away at it. Either way, it looks like it could be another great addition to Marvel's robust video game line-up.