Captain Marvel's Brie Larson Can't Handle Which Animal Crossing Character She Is Most Like Result

Nintendo's Animal Crossing: New Horizons was one of the biggest games of 2020, and Captain Marvel [...]

Nintendo's Animal Crossing: New Horizons was one of the biggest games of 2020, and Captain Marvel star Brie Larson is one of the many fans who fell in love with the newest entry in the franchise. It's mix of charming characters and addictive gameplay hit the mark for many, but not every character is beloved as Tom Nook (despite his less than stellar business practices). You can see this in action thanks to Larson's newest YouTube video, which has her taking a series of quizzes that includes a which Animal Crossing character are you most like quiz and her reaction after she gets the results are priceless.

She's quite thrilled at the beginning and makes her way through questions like which of the following would you be most excited about seeing, which she is torn on but chooses the Pyramids. Then she answers what would you do first in a zombie apocalypse with protecting my loved ones.

Next is the question which of the following would you rather be an expert at, to which she chooses martial arts. That is followed by the question where would you rather spend the day with friends, to which she chooses the park. After that, she's asked what her favorite thing is on TV to watch, to which she chooses sitcoms.

Then it's which of these would you be most excited about receiving, which she answers with a free getaway. After that the question of if you could have one wish what would it be comes around, to which she answers world peace. The final question is which animal do you relate to most, to which the answer is a horse.

Then she sees the Animal Crossing character she is most like and she's stunned, with a facial expression that is hilarious. She then cups her hands over her face in disbelief, and it is revealed she is Pietro.

"I can't even say...I'm shocked," Larson said. "I want to do this again. This is shaking me to my core. I've never seen this character before. Pietro. Are you kidding? Nooo, no. Nooooo. Why aren't I Isabelle? Why aren't I Soleil? It's like I don't even know myself anymore. I don't want to be the clown Animal Crossing character."

We've all had that one quiz that gave us the opposite character we expected, as I'm pretty sure I took a quiz and got my favorite Golden Girl was Blanche, and that is not the case (Sofia for life).

You can watch the video above, and let us know your favorite Animal Crossing character in the comments or by finding me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!